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Lauren's POV:
After Nate and I talked we went back into the living room and sat on the couch. "Wanna go to the beach?" Alyx asked. Everyone nodded and Sammy ordered an uber. Johnson loaded up a bag with beers and he threw in a couple of blankets. We all got into the uber and went to Venice Beach. Cameron set up the blankets on the sand and we all sat down. We sat in this half a circle thingy. It went like Sammy, Cameron, Nate, me, Alyx then Johnson. "Sorry about what happened between you and Gilinsky." Nate whispered in my ear. "It's okay." I reply resting my head on his shoulder. We were all just talking and hanging out. It was chill. All until they showed up. "Hey Gilinsky what it do." Cameron shouted. Jack brought Madison here. Fuck me. He's such an ass. They sat across from everyone else. Being all cute and coupley. It was annoying the hell out of me. So I went on my phone and went on twitter.
@laurennn tweeted:
swerving into the skate lane

@skatemaloley tweeted:
yay babe ;) @laurennn

@jackj tweeted:
*insert photo*
do I spy a new couple? #late @laurennn @skatemaloley

@laurennn retweeted:
(@jackj tweeted
*insert photo*
do I spy a new couple? #late @laurennn @skatemaloley)
I looked up from my phone and smiled at Johnson. He just laughed at me. Then I turned over and looked at Jack he was staring right at me and Nate. Good. He wanted this to happen. He's the one who cheated. "You good girl?" Nate asked as he put his arm around me. "Yea. Just cold." I reply. "Here take my hoodie." He said as he took it off and handed it to me. I put it on and Alyx smirked at me. "What." I asked her. "Nooothingggg." She raised her eyebrows. We all just hung out and watched the sunset. Madison and Jack didn't say anything the whole time. They just sat there. It was really awkward but I was having a good time. When the sun was setting Nate grabbed my face and smashed his against it. He kissed me. Obviously. Then he pulled away and smiled at me, "I've been waiting to kiss you since I seen you." I smiled back and rested my head on his shoulder. Then I got a tweet.
@alyxx tweeted:
*insert image*
you can thank me later ;) #late @laurennn @skatemaloley

@laurennn tweeted:
i can thank you now. @alyxx

@skatemaloley tweeted:
*insert image*
smooches @laurennn

@jackgilinsky tweeted:
people piss me off
Obviously Jack was talking about me and Nate. Him and Madison together pissed me off too but I'm not petty. I'm not gonna tweet about it. We continued to hang out in the beach and have a good time but Jack and Madison kept ruining it. "I'm glad we came to the beach guys. It's lit." Cameron announced. "Not really the sand is getting all over my clothes and it smells like fish." Madison snapped. "Way to be a buzz kill." I scoffed. "How about you stop being a bitch." Jack hollered. "Woah Gilinsky relax." Johnson stated. "No. She doesn't need to be rude to Madison." Jack ranted. "Says the one who's calling me a bitch. Why don't you listen to yourself." I add. "Okay. Chill. Chill." Sammy shouted. "No. Stop being a bitch." Madison said as she stood up. I stood up too. "Was anyone talking to you. No and you weren't even invited here so just leave already." I shout. "Okay. Sit back down." Nate said grabbing my arms. "Let's go." Madison said while storming away. Jack following her.

Sorry I haven't updated. I was at universal studios soo. Ayyyy oml why is Jack being like that to Lauren? Thanks for reading. ~Mia

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