Big news

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Dimi's pov.

louis and elenor called us over to her place. elenor was my best friend, so i was excited. they envited over eveyone for breakfast so everyone just came over in ther pajama's.

.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... AT BREAKFAST

"So eveyone we have some big news!!!" elenor said.

"where having a baby!!!" louis yelled.

"what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" we all yelled in unison.

"how many months are you!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?" i yelled in excitment.

"4 months we have kinda been keeping a secret from eveyone for awhile." she said blushing.

"what are you having then?!?!?!?!?" i said 

"i'm a having a boy!!!!" she said. 

"oh my gosh! they are so gonna date!" louis said.

"don't you dare talk about my daughter that way lou!!!!" harrys said 

haha i thought already over protective of our daughter.

Harry's pov.

"well we also have some news!" i said. "were getting married!!!!" i said. 

all the boys mouth's droped!

"but you guys are only teenagers!!!!!!" zayn said

"Well it's kinda of more a promise ring to get married in about 4 years." Dimi said.

"yeah." i said, "but we are defently going ot get married in fours years." i said.

Dimi's pov.

" well louis and i were brain storming and couldn't come up with any names we agree on, so we were thinking that maybe you guys could help us think of a fist name and a middle name." elenor said.

"ok well i was thinking for a boy Mile's." i said.

"wow i really like that name!" louis shouted.

"yeah me to." elenor said.

" so the first name is Miles!" loui shouted.

"yep!!!!!" said elenor.

seconds later everybody started shouting names "austin,matthew, jack,mason,cooper,romani,josh, chris,mike!!!!!!!!!!" 

"well i was thinking caleb." liam shoouted

"thats perfect!!!!!!!!" elenor shouted.

"yeah Miles caleb, tomlison!!!!" louis shouted. 

"perfect." i said.

16 and Pregnant with Harry Style's BabyWhere stories live. Discover now