1.00 & a final goodbye

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{read the note at the end, it's really important, thank you}

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tagged: kylie.reed, emily.rudders, libbysomersdale, khloecarterr_, brennalawson

Liked by jack_maynard, joe_sugg and // others

courtneyreed: we don't need silly boys, just eachother

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brennalawson: we love youu
khloecarterr_: caption is so true, love you girlies
emily.rudders: aw girllllls
libbysomersdale: I love you all
kylie.reed: this is a real squad❤️❤️


You, Libbyy, Emilybabe, Khloe❤️, SisterWhomILove, Brenna💯

I love you guys

We love you toooo

Omg we should have like a little ending scene like the breakfast club

We could but the writer decided to tell the story through media posts and not through creativity with words and things

Because she's lazy

Bitch why can't we have a end scene, fuck the author

Okay just finish the damn book

Hey guys, Yasmin here :)

This is really sad for me because I'm updating the final chapter because this is the last of me on this account - I'm forwarding all of this to Erin, so she will write everything else for now.

I'm really sorry to all the friends that I've made through the two years on this account, you've been so lovely to me.

The reason for my leaving is that, some of you may know - I've actually grown into being friends with the man himself, Jack Maynard. He's actually someone that I hang a lot around during the weekends and it's just gotten weird to write these.

Again, I'm really sorry.

My other book 'Tinder' has been written by Erin and me for a while now, but some of you may have seen lately that I haven't been writing - like I said, all my account is being forwarded to Erin, so she can do whatever she wants with it.

I'm really sad to say goodbye to everyone, but if you'd like to talk to me anytime, my instagram is @yasminbellen and I will reply to everyone.

Again, sorry, but goodbye and I hope to hear from you somewhere again.

For the last time,

- Yasmin, Newcastle Gimp who is making this out to be way more emotional then it actually is. So long, friends:)

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