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"Oh my gosh, Drew, don't eat that," I'm saying to him.

"Why," he is asking me.

"Because when you got up to get a fork, it fell on the floor and John put it in your tray."


"I know, and it was his to begin with."

"Hey, man, that's sick," Drew is saying to John.

"I didn't actually think you would try to eat it."

"Put it on your tray next time."

"Alright," John is saying.

That was basically the beginning of the lunch conversation.

Hi, my name is Carista Pope and I am seventeen years old. I am an only child. I have seven best friends who are like family to me. Carla Richards is seventeen and has one brother who is nineteen named Havik Richards. Carla and I are in the eleventh grade. Drew Falcon is seventeen and an only child like me. He is also in the eleventh grade. Tonya Squash is seventeen and has one brother who is fourteen named Goober Squash. Tonya is in the eleventh grade as well. John Rakus (rahh-cuss) is seventeen and is an only child. He is also in the eleventh grade. Maleena Cochran is in the eleventh grade and is seventeen. She has one brother who is nine named Gavin Cochran, one sister who is fifteen, named Marla Cochran, and one brother who is twelve named Keff Cochran. Clash Boswin is seventeen years old and he has two brothers. Tike is eighteen years old and Mike is twenty years old. Clash is in the eleventh grade. Cobrain Tosh is seventeen and in the eleventh grade. He has one brother named James Tosh, who is twenty-one.

Those are my best friends and we are all in the same lunch together and have been every school year in high school so far.

My best girl bud out of my best friends is Carla. My best guy buddies are Drew, John, and Cobrain. Mainly, Drew and John, though. Don't get me wrong, I love Clash like a brother, but we are not as close as Drew and John and I are. And I am closer with Cobrain than Clash. Clash and Maleena are really close, though.

"Are you doing anything this weekend, Carista?" Drew is asking me.

"I don't think so. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out all weekend doing who knows what."

"What exactly did you have in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking that after church on Sunday you could come over to my house and we could go get something to eat somewhere then maybe just go to my house and chill if you want to. Oh, and on Saturday, I was wondering if you wanted to go out driving around. Friday evening, we could go to our favorite hangout spot on the hill behind my house."

"Sounds great. Do you want to pick me up on Friday, and we can go up on the hill?"

"Yeah, I'll pick you up at, let's say, six forty on Friday?"

"Works for me. I'll have to see about Saturday and Sunday."

"Okay, sounds good."

That was basically our lunch today. Oh, and today is Wednesday.

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