Chapter 2: The Luck of the Draw

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* * Ryan * *

My alarm rang at 8:30 am. I reluctantly sat up and ran a hand through my frazzled hair. God I hate Fridays. Don't get me wrong. The end of the week means the beginning of the weekend, I'm psyched for that, but Fridays also mean school events and human interactions, which I am not too thrilled about considering my uncanny ability to become the epitome of the phrase 'socially stunted'.

I turned on the PMU radio station and laid back down on my bed, doing my best to stall before I had to actually get up and face the day.

"Hey, guys! Lakari Safari, here," blared the radio. " The results for  the exclusive drawing for a weeklong trip to the amazon rainforest, and a surprise stopoff in Italy, have come in!" Stopoff in Italy? What's the point in that? "The six students are.............Elliot Donnerro, Leia Kennedy, Nick Butterscotch, Luke Blea, Katniss Alexandra, and Ryan Delhi! Congratulations, guys! In two days, report to the fountain in the middle of the courtyard at 5:30 am to meet your fellow travelers! You are allowed two suitcases each, and then, we're off! See you there! This is Lakari Safari signing off!"

"Alright! That was Lakari Safari........." the regular DJ went on with the routine program. It took me a minute or two to realize what Lakari Safari had actually said. To be honest, I was kind of shocked. I never thought I would actually win that trip, much less enter it in the first place. When I think about it, I can't remember why I entered in the first place. How the hell is a trip to the amazon rainforest supposed to help me in my studies? Oh, well. For now, one thing was for certain

I'm going to the Amazon rainforest...

* *  Luke * *

     Having showered and combed my hair, I sat on the edge of my bed and started to pull my shoes on. Just then, my roommate Tyler burst through the door.

    " Hey, man!" Tyler said.

   "Hey. So, no canoodling with Leia today?" I asked with not just a little bit of sarcasm. Tyler grimaced.

    "Who says canoodling anymore? Nevermind. No, I had to break up with her," he said.

   "Oh, tough break. Did she cry? I always find that's the worst part, when they cry." Another grimace.

   "Yeah, it was bad. At least it's over and done with. Congratulations about the trip, by the way." Okay, now I was confused.


    "The trip, you know. To the Amazon rainforest? Don't tell me your name isn't really Luke Blea," Tyler said with a slow smirk.

* * Elliot * *

When my name was called in the drawing, I was a bit shocked. I never win these sorts of things, but I quickly got over it. I was walking to my freshmen Pre-med class to collect my homework assignment from Professor Mosby. I reached for the door handle when the door swung open and whacked me in the forehead.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," came a slightly sing-song Italian accented voice. I looked up to find a girl slightly taller than I am with brown eyes and slightly-longer-than-pixie-cut black hair with red bangs staring at me with concern. True love had literally hit me in the face.  "Are you okay? Do you have a concussion?"

"Uhh....." Come on Elliot, think. Form actual words. I regained my posture despite the sudden  headache. "I don't believe I do, but even if I did, I would know how to treat it. We learned last semester in pre-med how to handle concussions. I don't believe i've seen you inmy class before. I'm Elliot. Elliot Donnerro." I held out my hand. She smiled and shook it.

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