Chapter 1: Surprise

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(A\N: I suggest you watch the anime Aikatsu Stars to know what is S4 for example)

-Yume's POV-

Its been so long since i came here..About a year? Yume looked at her school, Four Star Academy. (A/N: Yume is in a group called S4) She heard someone call out to her. "Hey Tomato!" She turned around and saw Subaru, his hands in his pocket and leaning down to her eye level. (Yume is shorter) "Stop calling me that!" She shrieked. Subaru laughed, "How are you so short?" Yume pointed at him "!" He then said, "Tomato then." Yume groaned, "Oh come on!" "Ahaha, i have to go now. Its nice to see the tomato after a long time" After saying that, he left.

"SUBARU!!" Yume yelled.

-Subaru's POV-

"That girl...Doesn't fail to surprise me with her foolishness.." Subaru thought as he blushed a little.

-Back to Yume's POV-

*Yume heart skips a beat*
What is this feeling? Ugh, i dont have time for this.

Yume took out her cellphone. She scrolled down and looked at her schedule, "Schedule's still tight as always! Time to head there for an interview.."

-Yume took an private transport for S4 to the interview station-

Yume got off the car and a lot of fans shrieked at the top of their lungs "YUME!!!" She smiled and wave back at them.

( This is yume waving at them )

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( This is yume waving at them )

A fan yelled, "Yume your outfit is so kirei(Pretty)!" Yume said back "Arigato (Thanks)!" Then, she went inside the office. Mahiru, Yuzu and Ako were waiting, sitting down on the chairs provided. "Yume, your finally here, you do know your late Nya!?" Ako clawed at her.

"Ahhh...Im sorry.." Yume pouted. "Now now we can settle that later! Lets finish this interview and go for ice cream! Woop Woop!" Yuzu exclaimed. "Yuzu we still have a photoshoot later." Mahiru said, taking a sip of tea. "Ehhh, Nazee(Why)? But im so hungryyyy..." She complained. "Yuzu!!!" Mahiru yelled. "Come on, we have to start the interview!! You guys are so dumb!!" Ako said while clawing constantly. "S-Stop clawing at us!" Yume protected her face.

-End of Chapter 1-

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