Everything Changed

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Ever since February 8th my life started going down hill and it sucks I had lost an Uncle who I was really close to and it sucked really bad I cried everyday of the week when I cried it has been 5 months now since he left this earth and I still love and miss him and every month after I either had a close family friend or a close family member pass away.
Then as months passed everything got worse the love of my life had "left"
We still talk and hang out we still hug kiss cuddle ECT.
We are gonna be back together and this time were never letting go that all statrted to get better when him and I hangout im proud to still be able to call him mine and i cant wait to see what happens im glad im gonna have my love back and i cant wait to see what the future has in store...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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