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  • Dedicated to Those That are still fighting and Those that Survived

The rain battered against her window as she slept, the wind rustled in the trees outside her window as her mind began to drift.   Her mind was drifting to the very night the abuse began she tossed and turned in her bed trying to get away alas this was all in her mind.

The dream was short lived as a young girl appeared beside her bed shaking her out of her horrible dream. “Zaapiel I had that dream again can I please sleep in here with you?” Signing in relief Zaapiel nodded putting a smile on for the young girl as the child curled up against her. “It will be alright Gabriel those dreams can’t not hurt you nor the person that caused them.”

The young child nodded as sleep finally over came her Zaapiel  held the child close saying deep prayers to God that the child sleep safely throughout the night.  Little did Zaapiel know that she had much more in-store not only for Gabriel but herself as well.

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