Chapter 1: The File

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It was just a normal night like the night before I would come home from professor Markus’s office check my mail box and trod off into my loft apartment that was on the top floor of the flat. It was going to storm that night I felt it in my knees as I hurried up the steps to the 3rd floor my brown satchel catching on the stair’s as I hurried up them. I never liked my loft apartment because my neighbors would gasp or give stupid remarks about how I was dressed. I disappeared up the last stair case to my loft apartment pulling out my keys that held one keychain that read “Angel in disguise” I went to put my key into the door when I felt it give way slightly to a push. My eyes darted to take a look into the room it was pitch dark and I couldn’t hear my cat’s that would normally be there to greet me at the door. I sat my satchel quietly down on the ground and removed my pistol before creeping into my apartment. I stood at the entrance to my loft peering into my kitchen before heading to the living room a dark figure was sitting on my love seat. I raised my pistol at the man, “I believe you are in the wrong loft mate I suggest you leave before I put a bullet between your boys.” The light on the stand came on as I fired a warning shot into my love seats chair arm. “Geez Zaap what you trying to do kill me?” I rested my pistol to my side as I glared at him, “Semaj you got a death wish or something I could have killed you... Well if I wanted too.” I went to my balcony and opened the glass door replacing fresh water for my strays that visited me during the night they were like my babies. My house cat Bookie appeared from in the hallway to greet me as I sat down across from Semaj. “Well is there a reason you broke into my house or just to sit here and stare?” Bookie jumped into my lap stretching him out and finally curling into a ball into my lap as a stroked him behind the ears. The man in front of me was all dressed in black from head to foot and had a packet in his hands. “I got another job for you Zaap you interested?” I stared down at the file in front of me reading the name Gabriel, “What’s the story on this one?” I flipped the file open as I stared down into the face of a seven year old girl

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