Judges, Graphic Artists and Prizes

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We're here already! Oh wait... it's still the 4th...

Let's start with our graphic artists!

Well, you guys are in luck. You don't have to fill in a form. All you have to do is comment 'I'll do number ...' as well as your username and any additional information to enter. I'll list three activities that you can choose from. Each of the three categories will have winners.

Category 1: Commission!

This one will require you to have a partner to make a cover for (not another graphic artist who is competing though!). Tag that person in your comment to ask to make the cover, and have them comment the tone of their story. You need to capture that tone in your cover, as well as including an anime character on the cover, the author's user and your own.

I'll do number 1!
EternalDawning can I make a cover for you for this?

Reply from EternalDawning:

"K. Tone is... well, they're in war. Look at my second book cover for ideas."

Category 2: Me, Myself and I

In case you didn't figure it out, this is about you! You need to make a graphic that looks good and represents you. Things you like, fandoms your in, your favourites... anything. It has to have your username in it. The graphic can be a collage, a comic, an illustration... anything. It must be something with a multitude of elements in it.

Category 3: Theme Haven

The last category is... theme. To be more accurate, a prompt. We give you a theme, and you create a graphic/short story of any kind that adheres to it. The themes to choose from this year are...

'Winter Hijinks'
'Eternal Dawn'
'Anti-climatic tragedy'

What do these themes mean exactly? Well, that's up to you! But for a bonus, I suggest making a short story (less than 10,000 words) based off those keywords. Think of it as a prompt!

As for the future judges... fill this in.

Judge form:

Remember to mention if you are a contestant. If you don't and try to fill in the form for judges and people to be judged, you'll be disqualified and barred from all future awards. Fill in the parts not in square brackets if you're not going to be a contestant!

[Book title:
Series (only add if you are entering a fanfiction):
Age rating:
Reading Preferences:
Admin followed?
Have you judged in the past? What kinds of things?

Now the part you've all been waiting for: the prizes!

The winners and runner-ups will recieve a fabulous sticker made be yours truely- which totally didn't happen last year (I promise I'm not getting lazy, LeSwift makes way better stickers than me).

Also, for the winners, you'll get:
1. A follow from this account (If you didn't that'd kinda be lame)
2. Votes on ALL your books (all books has seemed to be a challenge, so it's more that you'll recieve as many as possible)
3. Getting added to this and my personal account's reading lists

The runner-ups will recieve:
1. Some lovely votes on the book entered
2. Be added to a reading list on this profile.

So yeah, pretty much the same prizes as last year. For those who won last year, you can try and ask for another prize instead, like shout outs.

Original Anime Themed Book Awards 2018 EditionWhere stories live. Discover now