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Where others saw physical features, Mark saw inner beauty.

Beauty was a questionable existence. A person with the most exquisite, charming features could be the least attractive within. There were so many "plastic" people around Mark; people who pretended to be someone they weren't. There were simply too many to count. No matter how sweet they could act, he always saw through them.

Mark was a nice boy. Many people admired him - girls and guys alike - but he never seemed to take note of this, or care at least; he was too busy wound up in his own world to notice the obvious around him. Mark chose his allies wisely, making sure to allow only the purest of the pure into his life; the people with the kindest hearts and truest intentions.

As Mark liked to say, he was taught by the best; his older sister, Amber, was a person Mark took great pride in. She was one of the most honorable people he knew, and beautiful she was indeed. Amber taught him to love others regardless of their beauty, but to also simultaneously distinguish those with great pulchritude; especially on the inside.

Fast forward to the present: Mark is walking cautiously down a dark alleyway, leaving behind light footprints in the dust while being careful so as to not draw too much attention to himself.

He passes by the usual people he sees on a daily basis; grungy, homeless adults sitting around and interacting amongst themselves. By initial glance, Mark had expected these types of people to be evil; reckless, actually. Instead, they were warm-hearted and caring. They had uncontrollable reasons for being in their current stages of destitution, and despite this, they would always make friendly conversation with one another.

Nearing the end of the alleyway, Mark is about to turn the corner when he spots something; or rather someone, unusual. A female, likely around the same age as Mark himself, sits against the wall. Her dark brown hair is tied up into a high ponytail and cascades down her back. Her features are sharp and prominent, while her clothing is dark and spotted with soot. There's a patch of grime smeared across her face, and she's fingering a miniature pocketknife. From this, Mark concludes that her condition is indeed questionable.

As Mark continues to observe the stranger, she looks up at him, oblivious as to why he seems so interested in her. As she makes eye contact with him, Mark perceives a layer of darkness amongst her persona. She has a dark past, he deduces, which only makes her more mysterious.

Beyond the cloud of darkness, the girl's beauty radiates off of her presence, nearly stunning Mark. She is truly wholesome, he thinks; the embodiment of perfection. He has never seen anyone as beautiful as her before.

Before he has the chance to interact with the mysterious girl, she swiftly takes off, leaving Mark in the dust. It's his fault, he believes, as he likely scared her away.

Mark wants to see the girl again in hopes of finding out more about her; maybe getting to know her personally. He is awestruck by the impact she has made on him; one that no other person could have done.

She is simply too beautiful to overlook, Mark thinks. After all, a woman of great pulchritude is indeed unforgettable.

PULCHRITUDE | markoeun Where stories live. Discover now