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"Sleep much, Mark?" Yiyang asks Mark expectantly as he sits in AP Chemistry, yawning way more than he usually would during school.

"I'm fine, Yiyang." Mark responds tiredly to the Chinese girl. "I'm just bored."

Yiyang scoffs. "Sure you are, Mark. Get some sleep tonight, will you?"

Mark senses the tenderness in her voice and nods his head. He'll try, definitely, but there's no guarantee. Koeun had been on his mind much too frequently last night, and he'd tossed and turned in his bed, thinking of how their encounter would be the next day.

When Mark goes to lunch, he sits next to Jeno and across from Yiyang, Hina, and Jaemin. He tries to act slightly more cheerful than he had been yesterday, in order to keep his friends from worrying too much about him. They didn't deserve to get weighed down because of his concerns; he cares too much for his friends to let his problems become theirs.

"Are we all meeting up after school again today?" Hina asked the group. "Jaemin and I have a biology test to study for, and I believe you guys have an English exam?" She looks expectantly at the seniors.

Mark shakes his head. "Sorry, Hina. I can't make it today."

The entire group groans in frustration, whereas Jeno looks concernedly at his best friend.

"At least tell us why, Mark. You're worrying us."

"Don't worry about it; it's nothing, really." Mark says, waving him off and plastering a smile across his face. "I'm fine, I just have to meet someone after school."

"Mind telling us who it is?" Jaemin questions Mark, though the group seems to be convinced that Mark is just having mild mood swings, since he seems to feel a whole lot better now.

"Just a family friend." Mark shrugs. "Amber wants me to spend some time with them tonight."

"Sounds believable." Yiyang says. "Just as long as you're okay."

"I'm fine." Mark reassures him, stretching the artificial smile wider across his face.

Mark heads down the alleyway right after school, immediately heading straight over to the corner where Koeun usually resides. He breathes in sharply upon seeing her once more; still as beautiful as ever, he thinks to himself.

"Koeun." He approaches her carefully, so as to not disturb her if she's in a bad mood.

Koeun looks up at him, immediately running her palm against the side of her forehead to signal how tired she is.

"Mark." She says simply, barely acknowledging him.

Mark kneels down and sits next to Koeun, waiting a few moments before speaking.

"About yesterday..." Mark starts hesitantly.

"What about yesterday?" Koeun says, though it's less of a question and more of a get-to-the-point statement.

"You said you'd come with me." Mark says, looking at her expectantly.

"I said 'maybe'." Koeun responds, looking uninterested. "'Maybe' doesn't mean 'yes.'"

"It doesn't mean 'no' either." Mark argues. "Please, Koeun; I can help you. Just stay with me for a few days, and I'll help you get back on your feet. That's all. I promise."

Koeun glances at him, observing his facial features carefully. "That's it?"

"I mean," Mark looks down nervously, playing with his shirt sleeve, "is there anything else you want?"

Koeun looks Mark right in the eye before shaking her head. "No. I don't need anything else."

"So yes, you'll come with me?" Mark asks, wanting more than anything to get this conversation over with.

Koeun hesitates for a moment before nodding, getting up onto her feet. "Fine, but don't try anything else, kid."

Mark shakes his head, pushing himself up off of the ground. "I wouldn't think of it."

As Mark and Koeun walked alongside each other, heading over to Mark's house, Koeun suddenly turned to face Mark, prompting him to stop in his tracks.

"How am I sure I can trust you?" Koeun asks, staring at him firmly. Her eyes are hypnotic, Mark thinks, and he could stare at them all day.

"Because I'm trying to help you." Mark states clearly. "I want to help you, and I will if you let me."

"Yeah," Koeun pauses, "but how do I know you're not trying to lure me away somewhere? It isn't typical for a guy to just come up to a girl, tell her she's beautiful, and proceed to ask her about her backstory before offering her shelter. What if you're not as trustworthy as you claim you are?"

Mark gazes at her, the corners of his lips quirking up into a hint of a smile.

"If you didn't trust me, Koeun," Mark says, lowering his voice and leaning in ever so slightly, "then you wouldn't have accepted my offer."

Mark pulls away, smiling at Koeun shyly before continuing to walk.

For a moment, Koeun just stands there, somewhat frozen. She lets out a little laugh, shaking her head in disbelief before trailing behind Mark as he leads the way.

No matter how dense Mark can be, he is intelligent all the same. He also thinks she is beautiful.

For the first time in days, Koeun genuinely smiles.

"You can use our guest room." Mark whispers, careful as to not wake up his sleeping sister. He guides her over to the bedroom, which is much larger than Koeun is used to.

Koeun nods, still refusing to properly thank Mark as she takes a seat on the bed.

"I'll get a change of clothes for you." Mark says quietly, heading out of the room and retrieving one of his hoodies, along with a pair of his sister's shorts in the utility room.

When Mark returns to the guest room, he finds Koeun already asleep; hand under a pillow and head turned to the side, facing him. She looks beautiful, Mark thinks, especially since she isn't snapping at him like she usually does.

Mark carefully sets down the clothes next to the bed and kneels down beside Koeun, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before pulling the covers over her.

"Sweet dreams, Koeun." He whispers, smiling as he leaves the room.

a/n: in the chapters coming up koeun is going to spill more about herself, and she and mark will gradually become closer :) there will be drama, ofc, but hopefully it'll stay okay for a while.

thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote! love you all <3!

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