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"I don't do one night stands just so you know" Simon clears his throat behind me. I clip my bra together and pull up my trousers.

"Neither do I" I face away from him and bend over to pick up my shirt which was laying wrinkled across the floor. I honestly don't know where we'll end up after this since I'm married. "But how will we continue this? What are we?" I cough at the end to take the awkwardness out of the air. I turn back around will I fix my shirt. He's already pulled up his trousers and is also fixing shirt.

"This situation is different. You're bricking your marriage yeah?" Well, thanks Simon for being so blatant about it. I shrug.

"I guess, but I love him to an extent, I can't just leave him" I sigh. Not knowing what to do.

"Hey, we only reunited today. All I'm gonna say is get to know me" I laugh at his comment.

"If it was only that easy" I mumble. I figure he hears me and just chooses to ignore it.

"Yeah?" I nod my head.

"Why not" I grin. He smiles back.

"Now, I'm going to leave this room and you just don't leave for a while yeah?" I say then continue to crack a smile. He laughs and I unlock the door. I step onto the hard wooden floor and the draft of the house hits my flushed cheeks. It feels refreshing. I hear the faint noise of crying which seems to come from the living room. I gently glide my way into the room with them. Mrs.Minter looks up and locks eyes with me. I send a supportive smile back at her.

"Everything's going to be okay" I walk up and sit next to her. Johnny was also comforting her and their father was across the room sitting in a recliner, staring blankly into the TV.

"Okay mum? You hear that? Everything's going to be fine" Johnny repeats. She breaks down again and starts bawling, burying her face into her hands. I rub her back while Johnny whispers into her ear.

The front door is opened and my gaze is met by Nicks. I rush up and throw my arms around him. Bringing him into a big hug.

"You alright?" He only hums a uh-uh and tucks his face into the crook of my neck. "Everything will be fine" we make our way to the front of the hallway to talk.

"Abby.." he stutters. "He isn't taking treatment" he bursts out in more tears and I begin to support him once again. I squeeze my eyes shut. It hurts me too. When I eventually open my eyes, we have stop talking and are just engulfed in a hug. I notice Simon creep out of his room and I send him a questioning glance. He doesn't speak but instead smirks at me. A smile creeps on my face and I mentally flip him off, making a mental note to do it later.

-The next day-

I work in a museum in downtown London called Madelyn. It's a fairly new one with a bunch famous artists' works. Including one of the owner, she isn't really friendly all the time though, but she certainly has talent. Basically my job is to tour the schools and tourists around the building, making sure to stop and comment on every piece.

I yawn as I walk through the old style wooden doors, my hand rises to my face to cover my mouth. It's only 8am and I'm already bricking the day. I pick up a clipboard from the front desk to check my schedule. I strut off to the employee only area. To get there I have to walk through the main hall, a big open room with stairs leading up and numerous doorways leading around the museum and some casual statues. With only a couple people in the building and not actually being open yet, the room echoes the clicking of my high heels against the glossed marble floor.

I sigh as I take a seat on a love seat in the employee break room. The TV which had some sort of reality show playing was muted but the light reflected off my reading glasses, which I had just put on to read the clipboard and my schedule and partner for today.

I was paired on nine o'clock shift with Dylan. Dylan is 22 year old, light skin, dark brown hair, brown eyes and very toned up. I don't mind the guy but when we are alone he gets very flirtatious. We are touring a school until 11:30 then we have an hour for lunch. My eyes flicker over the one sheet of paper, on top of the stacks of information, and I don't see my name twice. I quietly celebrate because it means I get off early.

I lay the clipboard on the coffee table in front of me and I lie back into the chair, waiting for nine o'clock to approach.

Slowly but surely nine o'clock hits and I meet up with Dylan to wait for the students and casual teachers to walk through the doors. The museum is normally full of tourists so just like any other day it will be busy. I was making small conversation with Dylan before I hear numerous boys walk in making a lot of noise. I have my back turned away but when I turn around the boys were huddled around the front desk getting admission to go through the museum. Some of them were holding cameras. I catch a glimpse of someone who looks quite familiar and when I look harder I realize that it's no other than Simon and his mates. I quickly turn away hoping he didn't catch sight of me. I grab Dylan's arm and I pull him to the side wall, furthest from the main desk. Since the museum was still echoing my heels clicking were quite distinctive.

"What's wrong?" Dylan asks in a rush. I shake my head pulling him in front of me, blocking my view from him.

"N-nothing" I wasn't too convincing because when I speak he turns around to look at the boys. I glance over his shoulder and Simon is already looking. I cover my face with my hand and Dylan turns back around.

"They're hear" he points towards the school group repping their uniform and motions them to the middle, where he struts off to meet them. I look up and Simon is still looking, this time I keep my eyes on him. He sends what looks to be a questioning look and I just shrug. If he wants to talk he'll come over here.

"Uh Abby?" I turn towards the noise and I see Dylan hollering at me to come start the tour with them. I snap back into the world and I quickly walk back to him, skipping to speed up. I stand in front of the group and I take control, every now and again looking over at Simon, studying me. My palms become sweaty and a blush rises to my face. Not now Minter. Today should be interesting, nothing is going to go to plan at least.

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