Chapter 1

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Authors Note: This is a story in both Romeo and Juliet's perspective. In each perspective it is first person narrative. Thank you for reading. Enjoy the story! (P.S. this is my first story so please give suggestions on how I can make the story better)


There I was, looking at my love, Juliet. She looked so beautiful and so peaceful and so... alive! I looked at her with love in my eyes and gained my strength. You're doing this to be with her, I had to say to myself. I held up the cup filled with poison and said, "Here's to my love." Before the cup even touched my lips, I heard something. At first I thought it was a guard here at the graveyard to arrest me for breaking into Juliet's tomb. But the noise was too close. Almost as if it were right next me. I looked down only to see my lovely Juliet starting to stir. I was terrified and dropped the cup of poison. Can it be? I thought. No it can't. Balthasar saw my love, dead and put in the tomb. Then her eyes slowly rose, as if just waking from a restful slumber. I heard my heart pound, wondering if this was real. Juliet then looked up at me and smiled. She said, "O, Romeo! I am so happy you came for me!" I just stared at her in awe. Could this be? Could this truly be my Juliet? Then Juliet sprang up and kissed me. It didn't feel real. It felt like it was a dream. "Is it truly you, my fair Juliet?" I asked. I saw the tiniest of tears roll down her face. "Yes, it is truly me Romeo," she said. "After my father had arranged the marriage of me and Paris, I went to Friar Lawrence's cell. There he made up a potion for me that would make me look and seem dead, but all it did was put me in a deep sleep. Friar told me you would come for me!" Tears came streaming down her face. "O, Romeo! Never leave me again. After your banishment I didn't know what to do. I had the thought of killing myself but then my father, and the marriage, and the-" I kissed her. I couldn't imagine living without her. She is my fair love and I would never leave her by choice. And at that point in time, it was only the two of us in the world, no worries and nobody to tell us what to do.


I knew what was happening. I knew I was waking up. I felt my eyes flutter open and then, there he was. The love of my life. My Romeo. I leaped up and kissed him. It felt right, him being there with me. Romeo seemed shocked that I was awake, alive even. Had he not gotten the message from Friar? Or was he just so happy to see me? "Is it truly you?" I heard Romeo ask. "Yes, it is truly me Romeo." I explained everything to him, the marriage between me and Paris, Friar's plans, the vile of potion, the fake death. He kissed me. He kissed me like he had once before, but only once. At my father's party, he kissed me with such passion and love. Then and there I knew I made the right decision. Living for my love was the best thing I could have done, and I would have done it as many times as it takes, forever.

The Un-tragic Story of Romeo and JulietWhere stories live. Discover now