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Jungkook pulled her to the "High Striker" that was located in the back of the carnival.

(the machine where you hit it with a hammer and try to ding the bell)

As they waited in line they watched people fail to ding the bell, even buff grown men had a hard time winning. They both started to doubt they would win anything.

"I'm gonna win you something I promise." He said cheerfully.

Jungkook picked up the hammer and raised it above his head making his shirt rise up revealing his abs. He hit the machine sending the ball all the way up, making it hit the bell as it made a loud *ding* noise.

"Congraaadulations you've won the grand prize!" The overly enthusiastic man running the stand said.

"I want that one." Jungkook said pointing to the large stuffed panda. 

Bo Young watched the man take the stuffed animal off the shelf in awe. It was just so big she couldn't believe she was getting it for free.
The man handed it to Jungkook and Jungkook handed it to Bo Young.

She hugged the panda tightly and smiled.

Jungkook chuckled at how much of a kid she had immediately become when he handed her the panda.

"Aahhh! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She said then hugging Jungkook.

As soon as she realized how close she was to him she pulled away and collected her self.

"Um, sorry." She said quietly.

He only smiled back at her.

"Uh, I have to go to the bathroom so can you hold Peter until I get back." She said handing him the panda.

"Wow you already named him?" He said taking the panda.

She nodded and headed towards the bathrooms.

"Wait!" Jungkook said jogging up to her.

"Let me give you my number so we don't lose each other when you come out.


Bo Young handed Jungkook her phone and he put his number in.
He handed it back to her and she saw that he made his contact name:

She rolled her eyes and smiled while walking to the bathroom.

When she came out Jungkook was standing in the same exact place. Hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth.

'He's probably never been in public for this long without a body guard' she thought to herself.

She walked up to him and took the panda back before even making eye contact with him.

"So what now?" She said.

"Wanna go on the Ferris Wheel?" He asked.

"Let's gooo!!." She said running towards it.
Bo Young tripped over her ankle and fell to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook said running over.

She shook her head.

"Can you stand?"

She shook her head again.

Jungkook picked her up bridal style and walked her to his car. She was surprised he could carry her for so long.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" He asked while getting into the driver's seat.

"No I think I just twisted it badly." She said rubbing her leg.


His Range Rover had plenty of space for her to extend her legs.

"What's your address?" Jungkook asked.

"39 South View."

He drove for 15 minutes until they reached Bo Young's house.

Jungkook had no idea what it was like to live near other people.

As he pulled up to her front door he sighed putting the car in park.

"Thanks for winning me Peter, and for everything else." Bo Young said opening the car door, taking Peter with her.

"Bo Young?" He asked quietly before she got out.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"...Goodnight." He smiled.

She smiled back and waved goodbye.

She limped inside while squeezing Peter tighter.

That night she changed Jungkook's contact name.

She read it over and over again.
"That makes him sound weak, the Jungkook I know can carry me and beat high striker." She said to herself

*delete name*

Jeon Cena🍪💕

"That's better."
She fell asleep with her leg sprawled over Peter while cuddling him pretending it was Jin.

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