The Beginning of Something New

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It was the beginning of summer vacation. The beautiful summer horizon was glowing as the sun shined on the clear ocean. I was sitting on my front porch watching as the high tides roll in.

The sky was as clear as can be with the nice California breeze. Shirtless guys rolled past me on their penny boards hopping to catch up on some girls. The seagulls called after each other fighting over crumbs left at the snack bar.
I figured to get up and walk around to see if any of my friends were hanging about.
"Jessica over here!," as my best friend Katie called after me.
"Katie, oh my god it's so nice to see you here,"
"Yeah I know can this day get any better, nice breeze, warm weather. shirtless guys."

Katie and I walk toward the snack bar and order two large hot dogs and two small cokes. As Katie and I sit down we start chatting about how happy we are to be out of school.
"Yeah I know after about the second semester I was done."
"Same, I just wanted school to end ASAP," as Katie agreed with me.

When we are done with our food I get up and throw away our trash. Katie and I start to walk toward the beach when I notice a volleyball game going on. Katie knows how much I love volleyball so we stay and watch till one team wins. It was boys against girls and of course the girls win. One of the guys notice me and he asks me if I wanted to play.
"Hey you, did you want to play a game?"
I turn to Katie,
"Go ahead i'll stay and watch I don't mind."

I walk toward the net and I become the server. I hit the ball and it went over the net and no one got it so the girls got a point. After about an hours worth of volleyball the girls win again. As I walk toward Katie when the game was over the guy earlier ran after me and asked me what my name was.
"My name is Jessica, what's yours?" I respond.
"Oh nice to meet you Jessica, my name is Jason," he answers.
We walk toward Katie sitting on a bench with an ice cream.
"Ohh I see you have a new friend Jessica."
"Haha yeah, Katie this is Jason, Jason this is Katie."
"Well nice to meet you Jason," says Katie.
"Nice to meet you too," responds Jason.

We all sit down and get to know each other. Well actually get to know Jason.
From what I know he's a rich kid who lives in a mansion and he goes to one of those popular private expensive high schools. He says he's single and ready to mingle and that he once tried out for his high school volleyball team. Well at least we have something in common we love volleyball. He said he could sing too but I doubt that.

After getting to know him the sun is setting and the water is turing this beautiful red color.
"I've always wanted to have a romantic kiss under the beautiful sunset here in Cali," said Jason.
I felt really bad when he said that. I mean he has rock hard abs large muscles basically everywhere. I'm surprised he's still single. He is the hottest guy I've seen all day.
"Same, the nice wind blowing around us as we sit and watch the sunset, the ocean water spraying at our legs while we walk by." I respond.

I look to my right as I notice Katie had left. A note was by elbow and it read:

Got to go, see you tomorrow you two better stay out of trouble ;)

Oh my god I can't believe she said that. Jason was reading the note I was holding and he says,
"Can't promise that."
As he grabs for the note. He reads it once again and he starts laughing.
When he finally put the note down he flips it over and writes something on the backside. I see numbers. Wait is he giving me his address wow a hot guys address. Or maybe it's his phone number. I start freaking out and I make this weird peep noise and he stops writing and look at me in the eyes.

He hands me the note.
"Call me when you get the chance."
He gets up and starts to walk away.
"Wait Jason," I call after him.
He turns around and I run into him. He catches me before I fall.
"Haha, watch where your going," as he starts to crack up.
We look in to each other's eyes as our faces get closer. I can feel his breath on my face. But before we kiss someone honks their horn.
"Come on Jessica, your dinner is getting cold," my brother calls after me.
Jason let's go of me and he says,
"Meet me at the snack bar tomorrow at 5:30."
"Ok I'll see you there,"I respond.

The Beginning of Something NewWhere stories live. Discover now