❓Requests? ❓

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Now that I'm back in action I'll be taking requests on what I should be making for the 338+ people who have read my book.

The only thing that I do require is that you do recognize that the character you are requesting must be a uke, not a seke who leans more towards uke but a full fledged, he won't do it, uke. Once you have that in your head than feel free to requests as you please!

Oh! And follow this form so I know exactly what you want.


Age limit- ( Do you want under 18 or over? I won't go under 15 but anything over is cool.)

Species- ( I'm open to any species! Just don't tell me, 1/2 Vampire 1/3 Milk man and 1/4 Prince okay? That doesn't make sense.)

Appearance- ( This is super important to me important to me so please be specific on what you want, maybe a picture or good description would help.)

Uke type- ( This is the most important thing of all, it's kinda the key to my creating process. I like making different types of ukes power bottom ukes, shy ukes, obsessive ukes, pervert ukes, it's just that I like ukes okay? So be expressive.)

Personality- ( Now tell me simply a structure, something I can build off of and create into my own person. Maybe they're a stubborn masculine boy who is secretly in love with girly things and acts completely different when around them. But if they are.. Tell me!)

Anything else that may be important- (If you really have a character in your own book who you've been looking for a uke for tell me what you imagine them to be like. I would be more than happy to attempt to create!)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T H E E N D

Also! Don't forget to go look inside of my Rabbit Journal so that you can have updates on OC's, absences, and book ideas.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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