Chapter One.

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‘Jaimie I have to go’ I said to my best friend as mum was calling me from downstairs ‘mums yelling at me’ I laughed

‘Okay, talk soon. Bye’ I hung up and made my way downstairs to the kitchen where mum was standing.

She was making dinner, butter chicken. My favourite.

‘Leyna, what is this?’ she said holding up a dirty knife

‘A dirty knife?’ I said confused

‘Obviously!’ she shouted ‘what’s it doing in the knife rack?’

‘I don’t know’ I shrugged

Mum slammed the knife down and turned back to me with a feral look on her face, I was never this scared in my life but I had never seen that look. Not in the five years that she has been like this.

Mum has been different, more angry since dad left which was about five years ago. We had never heard from him, well we did but mum ignored him.

‘Leyna’ mum said walking towards me ‘I am sick of this, sick of pulling dirty dishes out of clean spots’

I tried to walk back but I ran into the kitchen bench. She grabbed my arm and she had scratched me with her fake French nails.

‘Leyna Lee Higgins, you are now evicted from this house’ she said


She let go of me. ‘Tomorrow you are leaving this house, forever’ she said as she threw the dinner out

I stormed up to my room and slammed my door. I put on my music and texted Jaimie.

Jaimie, mum just kicked me out of the house have to be out tomorrow. Don’t know what to do.

That’s horrible Ley! I think it’s time to call your dad don’t you think?

I knew he was right. I rummaged through my draws and found my phone book from a while ago when I found dad’s number. I had to hide it from mum.

‘Hello?’ a manly voice answered

‘Hey Dad, it’s Leyna’

‘Leyna, what’s up?’ he asked

‘Mum kicked me out, any chance I can come and um possibly um live with you?’ I asked

‘Yes of course you can’

We made a time where I would meet him the next day. I packed everything up and put my bags near the door, mum walked in.

‘Leyna, were you just talking to your dad?’ she asked angrily

‘Yeah, I am going to live with him’

‘Get out now’ she said pointing out the door

‘It’s like 9pm’

‘I don’t care, go!’

I grabbed my bags and started walking. I was glad I had asked dad where he lived because I started walking there. It would be awkward when I see him because I haven’t for five years.

It was scary walking through the streets of London at this time of night, I was crying from everything that had happened and I knew that my mascara would be all over my face.

I knocked on the door and then it opened.

‘Hello there’ a guy I recognised said as he answered the door

He was wearing a checked shirt that was buttoned all the way up and white jeans. I recognised him immediately, Liam Payne.

‘Oh, um sorry I think I might have got the wrong house’ I said confused trying not to fangirl

‘Well who are you looking for sweetie?’

‘Paul Higgins?’

‘Right this way, are you okay?’ he asked me as I walked in the door

‘Uh yeah im fine’

‘Paul! You have a visitor’ he shouted

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