Chapter 1

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(Alex's POV)

The bell rang, signaling the end of the first day of senior year. I grabbed my book bag and walked out of the physics classroom. As I walked through the halls to try and get out of the school as fast as possible, I turned the corner and stopped dead in my tracks. James Reynolds had just shoved a kid to the ground. He broke something over his knee and let it clatter to the floor next to the kid, who wasn't moving a muscle. Reynolds was about to kick the kid when I stepped up. "HEY! REYNOLDS!" That got him to turn around.

"What the hell do you want, Hamilfag?" he sneered.

I glared at him. "Leave the kid alone. What did he do to you, huh?"

"And what are you gonna do if I don't?" he retorted with a glare, ignoring my question.

"You know damn well what kind of power I hold in this school," I said, not threatened at all. "So how about you stop trying to pick a fight and just go home before I get you expelled?"

He growled at me, but he walked away. I walked over to the kid who was on the floor, feeling around for something. Probably whatever James had broken. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked him.

"I can't find it. What did he do with it?" he muttered quietly.

"Are you talking about the thing he broke? It's right in front of you..."

"Shit, he broke it?" His head snapped towards me, and the first thing I noticed were his eyes. Unfocused... and it looked like they were glazed over...

"Uh, yeah, sorry."

"It's not your fault," the kid sighed. "It's just... now I have no way of knowing where I'm going."

"Are you-?"

"Blind? Yeah." He finished and answered my question for me. "And this is a new school." He laughed humorlessly. "What a great first day."

"I can help you get around," I offered, helping him to his feet. "I'll walk you home too."

"Uh, yeah. Thanks." The kid smiled in my general direction and gave me his address.

"Wow, that's actually really close to where I live. Like, across the street. Alright, let's go." I kept his hand in mine so that he wouldn't lose me in the crowd, and he held it tightly. "So, if you don't mind me asking, why was Reynolds messing with you?"

"Well, it's possible that I accidentally ran into him trying to get to class. It's also possible that he said 'Watch where you're going, you piece of shit,' and I may have responded with 'Go fuck yourself.' That might be why, but who knows, really?"

"Dude, James Reynolds is not someone you wanna say that to. He's worse than Thomas Jefferson."


"Oh, right, you're new." I started to describe Jeffershit, just in personality for him so he knew what the Virginian was like.

"Wow, he sounds like a douche."

"He is. And Reynolds is worse. Like, twice as bad."

"Okay. And I just got him mad at me. Awesome."

"Yeah, don't worry though. If you hang out with me, he can't touch you."

"Why not?" He looked in my direction with a confused look.

"Because my adoptive dad is the principal, which means that I hold at least a little power. If I report anything to him, he'll make sure it's taken care of by morning. I'm the reason Andrew Jackson got expelled. Oh, Andrew Jackson is a big bag of dicks who bullied literally everyone."


"Yeah, he tried to shove me into a locker once."


"Because I might've insulted him to his face."


"He made me mad." I shrugged, though he couldn't see it.

"What did he do?" the boy I still hadn't learned the name to asked curiously.

"Sorry. You have to be a level twenty friend to unlock that story," I said with a smile, which caused him to laugh.

"Where are we, exactly?"

"About two blocks away from your destination."

"Okay." He remained silent until I told him that we were at his home. "Thanks again, uh..."

"Alexander Hamilton," I introduced myself.

"John Laurens. And, seriously, thanks."

"It was no problem. Can you make it inside okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine from here."

"Alright. I'll try to find you at school tomorrow, alright?"

"Okay. Bye, Alexander."

"Bye, John." I watched carefully until he was inside, just in case. Why his parents didn't come to pick him up, I have no idea. But that was none of my business, so I left it alone. I walked home, which was just down the street a bit and across the road. I could've hitched a ride with George, aka Washingdad, but I much prefer walking. It's a lot more relaxing. Plus, today, it gave me more time with my new friend. So bonus. I walked through the door of my home and just went to my room to text the only other two friends I had until George called me down for dinner. And so the day continued like normal.


Heyo! I need to stop writing stories, but this one was actually requested to me a long time ago, and I just remembered about it, so I wrote it, and here we are. I have absolutely no idea where this story is going to go, but I'm excited for it. I'll come up with the plot as I go. So I hope you'll enjoy the story, and I hope you found this chapter enjoyable as well. Until next time, Mishamigos!


A Light In the Darkness (Blind!John Lams high school AU)Where stories live. Discover now