~+Chapter 4+~

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“Shadow!!” Sonic screamed, jumping awake. Tears ran down his cheeks and he flinched as the door was opened, and there stood Shadow, rushing over to him and embracing him in a hug. “Shadow… they were gonna take me again…” Sonic sobbed, crying profusely. He could feel Shadow’s heart pounding and Shadow held him tighter, but not tight enough to hurt him. The image was still in his mind, the scientist looming over him, the syringe in his hand…

“Sonic, what happened?” Shadow asked, stroking his quills in an attempt to calm the azure hedgehog.

“They were in my dream!” Sonic cried, burying his face in his fluffy chest. “It felt so real… and you weren't there…”

Shadow wiped away his tears with his thumb. “Look at me Sonic.”

Sonic looked up, his glossy emerald eyes looking into Shadow’s ruby eyes.

“You are safe, alright? They can’t get you here.” Sonic closed his eyes and whimpered. “I’m here, and as long as I’m here, you’re safe. No one will hurt you.” He opened his eyes and Shadow moved forward to softly kiss his forehead. Sonic sniffled and wiped the last of his tears away as Alice leaned against the doorframe, trying to catch her breath.

“Please stay with me Shadow…” Sonic whispered, looking up at him.

“Of course.” Shadow murmured, sitting on the bed and holding Sonic close to his body. He looked up at Alice, who was smiling softly. She left the room and returned quickly with a crystal clear glass of water. She held it out to Shadow and he took it, blinking his thanks. “Sonic, do you want some water?” He said softly, nudging the blue hedgehog, who still had tears in his eyes.

“What’s in it?” He mumbled, gingerly taking it.

“Nothing, just water. I promise.” Sonic took a small sip, shaking slightly.

“Thank you Shadow.” He whispered. “For everything.”

Shadow flicked an ear. “It’s nothing.” He replied, holding the glass up so Sonic wouldn’t drop it.

“Sonic… I know you don’t want to talk about it… but will you tell me? Please? What they did?”

Sonic sighed and held onto him a little tighter. “They would put stuff in my water, inject me with chemicals I couldn’t even pronounce… give me cuts…”

Shadow listened, his face inches from Sonic’s.

“And…” Sonic whimpered as he tried to control his tears.

“Sonic, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” Shadow said, putting a hand on his cheek.

Sonic nodded, biting his lip. “Can I have more water?” He asked, his glass now empty.

“Yes.” Shadow said, calling for Alice. She returned and took the glass, soon coming back. She handed the glass carefully to Sonic, who took it gratefully. Sonic finished only half the glass, and Shadow set it on the nightstand next to the bed. Sonic’s ears folded back as he struggled to keep his eyes open. Shadow chuckled at him and whispered in his ear, “You can fall asleep if you want to, Sonic.”

Sonic blushed faintly and nuzzled Shadow’s chest and closed his eyes, and Shadow watched him fall asleep.

Alice watched the two with a smile on her face. “He really needs you, Shadow.” She said softly, petting his ears softly.

Shadow blushed at her remark. He looked down at him to try and hide it, and he closed his eyes, eventually falling asleep.

A few hours later Shadow raised his head, noticing the sky was a lot lighter than earlier. He looked down at Sonic, who was still sleeping. He pricked his ears as he heard soft talking out in the hallway. The door opened and Alice stepped in. “Shadow, who is Sonic’s closest friend? The commander will only allow one to visit right now.” She gave the door a glare, clearly not happy with his decision.

“Tails. Miles Prower. They’re like brothers.” Shadow replied, smiling as Sonic flicked his ear in his sleep.

“Alright.” Alice left the two again.

Sonic’s ears pricked after a few moments he opened his eyes and shivered.

“Cold?” Shadow asked softly.

Sonic nodded, leaning against Shadow for warmth.

“I’ll be right back, okay?” Shadow didn’t shift two inches before Sonic grabbed onto him.

“Don’t leave..!” He whimpered.

“Sonic, I’ll be right back, I promise.” Shadow gave him a small hug and stood up, leaving Sonic on the bed.

“Okay..” The blue hedgehog murmured, hugging his pillow.

Shadow sighed and skated down the halls, and went into his room. Did he have an extra hoodie he could give to Sonic? he opened up his closet and found a gray zip-up jacket. It would be a little big on him but it was fluffy on the inside. Shadow grabbed it off the hanger, shut the closet and skated back to Sonic’s room.

The blue hedgehog had his face buried in his soft pillow and instantly looked up to the sound of Shadow’s footsteps. “I found a hoodie.” Shadow said quietly, sitting back down on the bed.

“Thanks Shadow..” He murmured, putting it on and zipping it up. The sleeves went past his hands.

“Are you warm now?” Shadow asked, pulling him close. Sonic nodded and snuggled up against him, resting his head on his chest. And if Shadow listened closely he could hear a quiet and content purr coming from him. It made him smile and purr as well, and Sonic flicked one of his ears.

“Shadow, you’re purring… I’ve never heard you purr before.” He said, looking up at him.

“When one is happy, they purr.” He replied, blushing a little in embarrassment.

“But…” Azure blinked. “How are you happy?”

The dark hedgehog softly sighed. “Just being here with you makes me happy.”

Sonic, for the first time in a while softly smiled and closed his eyes, hugging Shadow as he rested.

Suddenly there was quiet knocking on the door and Sonic’s eyes opened and he moved closer to Shadow, as if that was even possible. Shadow told whoever it was to come in and the door slowly opened and there stood Tails, his sky blue eyes full of worry. “Sonic?” He said, coming into the room.

Sonic whimpered quietly and Shadow’s ears folded back slightly. “Sonic, it’s just Tails.” He murmured.

“Shadow, what happened?” Tails asked, coming to the bedside.

“He was kidnapped by some scientists.” Shadow explained, petting his quills.

“And?” Tails added, softly touching Sonic’s ear, which he flicked away. That’s when Shadow noticed the number ‘12’ tattooed on his ear. He didn’t know the significance of it was but he thought it had to be identification when he was in the lab.

“He… he won’t tell me.” He lied, handing Sonic his glass of water as he asked for it.

Tails looked up at Shadow with a disbelieving look on his face. Shadow sighed. “He doesn’t want to talk about it, okay?” The dark whispered to him.

The fox looked down at the ground. “Tower isn’t letting me stay for long. I just wanted to see if he’s alright.” He wrapped his arms around his older brother, and after some hesitation the hug was returned. “Everyone’s worried sick and Amy just about had a breakdown yesterday. They’ll be glad to know you’re alright.” He told him, and Sonic only nodded.

“Thanks Tails.” Sonic told him, not making eye contact.

Tails sighed sadly. “Take care of him, alright Shadow?” Tails said to hi, before soldiers came to tell Tails he had to leave.

Two chapters in two days... yay for me. Next chapter, Sonic will be able to walk around but that doesn't mean Shadow won't leave his side. Will Sonic's worst nightmare come true? All will be found out in the next chapter, which may be a few days :)

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