Education Comes First

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Leayah POV 💓😜

After I got out from my dance class, I go straight to my TV&'Production class and it's hot as hell in here.

We all do different things like slide shows, lil movies, you know all that stuff . My teacher is so aggy, but she cool though ! I'm here for an hour or so, and it goes fast !

It's now 2:30 and im here in my writing class, and I hate this class, only lord knows ma ass is tired. We have to do so much work and junk, but work does come first. After my class ended i see Leah and Lei walking.

" Haay Ya'll "

" Hey Leayah !!! " They say in unison .

We talk and ate lunch together , man I miss these girls so much and I love them to death. I also told them about kayden and they was supportive about it and im glad . Finally I'm able to spend time with my girls.

We go up to leahs dorm room. We eat, sleep,watched movies, curse each other out ! *our bonding time*

Its about 9:30 now and i call it quits and head over to my dorm room.

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