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I stare my reflection the whole time, having a straight face as I do the routine. It's been two weeks since I heard from or seen Nyssa. Our manager has been really tight on us lately to make sure that we don't contact or see her. It's been hard. I miss her smile and laugh, having her in my arms, and her trust for me. The song finally ends and I immediately sit down. I look over at Jinyoung, I think he's been having the hardest time. She left on bad terms between them. He regrets everything he did, but he can't tell her that. "Can't believe we do our comeback tomorrow," Jackson breathes out and fans himself. "Yeah," Yugyeom sighs and lays down on his back. We've been practicing hard for the past two weeks, little sleep, all to make sure out comeback is perfect. We had to push it back a bit due to scheduling with the release of the album. Mark goes on his ipod touch, "you've been on that a lot lately." "I know, but it's how I play games when I don't have my phone." "Right right." It's something he's done for a few years. 

Mark's POV:

I've secretly been using my ipod touch to text Nyssa without the others and manager knowing. He basically took our phones away, but he knows my habit with playing games on my ipod, so he let me keep it. 

M: are you coming to see our comeback tomorrow?

N: i'm trying, dad doesn't like that i'm going alone

M: need me to convince him?

N: no need, i'll just tell him i'm doing something else with baby

M: does baby know about us?

N: she doesn't and i feel guilty not telling her 

M: it's okay she'll understand why

N: are you sure?

M: i know baby, she'll understand, so you are coming, right?

N: yeah, i won't be so close though so the others don't see me

M: ok, i can't wait to see you :)

N: same :)

I slightly smile at that and put my ipod touch away before the others notice. "Alright, another practice. We have to make sure we have our vocals down too." We all groan at JB, "come on, you guys know the drill." "Yeah yeah," we say in unison and get up. 



We get settled on stage, we smile and wave at fans, we're waiting for the signal and music to start. I look out in the crowd and I spot Nyssa. I smile and wave in her direction and fans around her freak out. "You ready?," Youngjae asks. "Yeah." The music starts and JB starts singing and we start dancing. Fans scream as we start and I can't help but smile when I hear them. I see Nyssa getting excited and she's so cute. Secretly dating her has been difficult but she's worth it. 

I look out in the crowd more and I spot her. My heart stop for a second but I keep going, I have to pretend nothing distracted me. I can't help but smile when I see her, her being excited and smiling because of us. I love the feeling that she's giving me. I needed to see her, a part of me has been missing and she was that. I see the crowd shift a bit and she get pushed forward, making her closer to the stage. I notice Mark takes a few steps closer, slightly breaking formation but it's not noticeable. I can tell what he's doing, he's trying to perform for just her without making it obvious. The song finally ends and screams fill our ears. I smile at the crowd and breathe heavily, seeing her made this comeback stage even better. 


Mark's POV:

M: did you like it?

N: i loved it! i'm so buying the album tomorrow 

I can't help but smile and laugh at that. Everyone is sleeping now and I took the chance to text her. I'm so glad that she showed up tonight. I just hope that the others didn't notice her. 

M: i'm glad to hear that :) are you coming to the fan sign?

N: sadly can't :( i have a lot of hw to do

M: nooo :( are you going to be at the other stages?

N: idk if i can afford them....

M: i'll put you on the list so you don't have to pay

N: are you sure?

M: of course, you're my gf :)

N: i just blushed at that, you calling me your gf

M: my girlfriend, i love saying it

N: hehe, and i love it too

M: i miss your laugh

N: i miss yours too....

M: i'll see you again soon, i promise, not just on stage

N: i believe you

M: i have to go, i have an early morning schedule 

N: night, i need to sleep too

M: night :)

I smile to myself and put my ipod touch away, being able to talk to her has been helping me get ready for the comeback, and she'll help me get through the hard times during this. 


I smile to myself and close my eyes, picturing her smiling at us and having fun during our song. Seeing her again made me feel whole, the missing piece is back. If only she knew how I felt about her... I let out a deep sigh and pull the covers up more. If I could just talk to her.... Tell her how I feel... I would be the one dating her... Does Mark like her as much as I do? I can't think like that... When I get the chance, when I get my phone back, I have to tell her. I'm doing it. I'm going to confess to her when I get my chance. I just hope she says yes. I flip over and I see that Mark is finally asleep, he's been playing his games a little too much lately and he needs to stop. I feel like he's getting distracted by them. I feel Nora jump onto my bed and she snuggles up to me and purrs happily as I pet her. "I wonder if Nyssa would like you," I whisper and scratch under her chin. I smile to myself at the thought of Nyssa cuddling with Nora and close my eyes. Just a few weeks without my phone, and then I can tell her, and hopefully that will be the start of our relationship. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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