Part 2- In the Flames

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(Hey guys! Finally here's chapter 2 to the story. Raph and Mikey got into a pretty heated fight, will they make up? On with the chapter! DISCLAIMER: I do not own TMNT, all rights go to Nickelodeon.)


 "I have told you many times Raphael, and I will tell you again. You can not let your anger take over you. If you do, there can be consequences."  

"What's the matter Raph, too afraid to see that Splinter is disappointed in you? You can't hide from the fact forever, you know."  

"Raph, you need to learn to control your anger before you seriously hurt someone in this family."

Raph violently kicked a pillow and sat down on his bed. It was always his fault, no matter what, always because of his stupid temper.

"Fearless thinks I'd actually hurt one of our brothers on purpose... typical. " He snarled to himself. 

He slouched against the bed header before muttering to himself. "Thinks he's above me because he's so perfect."

Raph had been remembering everything his family had said about his anger. He needs to learn to control it, it had consequences, he will hurt someone.

Them saying that just made his blood boil. Did they think he wanted to have a temper that flicked on in a second? They didn't understand anyway.

But what made Raph angry, upset even, is the fact that Mikey said Splinter thinks of him as a disappointment. Raph is the rebellious one, but he would never want his father to be disappointed in him in a million years.

However, Raph was starting to see that it might be true. He always got the glances of disapproval, the lectures, never praise. Praise was single handedly given to Leo.

Raph sighed to himself. He knew Leo was definitely Splinter's favorite student, but honestly, that's not what he cared about. Parent's are supposed to love their children equally and with Splinter only giving Leo praise, he thought Leo was the favorite son.

Raph just wanted to feel the same love from his father that Leo had.

A hard knock pounded on Raph's door, causing Raph to snap out of his thoughts. "Raph, we're leaving in 5 minutes for patrol. Be ready." Leo said, his voice muffled by the shut door. 

"Yeah, whatever fearless." He answered back. There was a silence for a moment until he heard footsteps walking away from the door.

Raph glanced at the clock on his dresser. He widened his eyes seeing it was 8 p.m, how had time passed so quickly?

The last thing he wanted to do was to see his brothers, but he didn't need another lecture from Leo or Splinter for missing patrol. Plus, he was in the mood to punch a few bad guys.

He grabbed his sai's and put them in his belt, tightened his mask, and fixed his wraps. He waited in his room until he heard his older brother barking commands.

"We're leaving. Come on, Raph!" Leo called out. Raph took a sharp breath before opening the door and following the team up to the surface.


Raph stood behind Leo and Donnie who were observing the ground from the rooftops. Donnie looked at his tracker, while Leo was looking at the street.

"Find anything, Donnie?" Leo asked, taking his eyes off the street to look at his younger brother.

Donnie shook his head but kept his eyes on the tracker. "The new mutagen the Kraang have been working on should be in one of these buildings on 56th, but it's not getting a signal to which one."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2017 ⏰

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