Two years I had been struggling with a habitual promblem.
Tell me this, how is one supposed to seem attractive to the opposite sex if she is told not to wear nice clothes or put on much makeup?
Social (soccer) ettiqute, at least according to my 18 year old brother, has restricted me to thick jumpers and no makeup for two years of soccer games. This meaning of course that not a single eye drifted my way when I went to watch my brother play unless I had on loud shoes that would echo as a crossed over the concrete.
730 days pass and over and over again I would hope a boy would notice me, but at the end of the game I would pack up and return home. No dice.
Now for my story to unfold I should first explain what was different about the events on March 30th compared to all other weekends.
My beatiful artist of a Grandmother was visiting us for a few days and was planning to come watch my brother play. Not very enticing you might think, to have one's grandmother next to her when she is noticed by a boy, but she never ended up making it to the field.
What her presence at our house did do though was have me do my makeup properly and dress up as I do every time I see her. Nan lives in Sydney you see, a totally acceptable place to dress to the nines on a daily basis and nobody questions you. So of course being the lover of fashion that I am, while she was here I saw my opportunity and ran with it.
Dolled up in a very simple but New York chic manner, off I went to soccer feeling like a million dollars.
Throughout the day I had many a suitor, including two of the coaches each with a son that plays in the teams, obviously enjoying my presence.
(Before you call me a harlot or any such inclinations let me assure you that in no way shape or form would I ever, ever try and lure a married man in any way, or an older gentleman of any form at that).
At the begininng of the first game (Under 19's - not my brothers team), I saw the various handsome young men that played for our team stroll past and with each I knew they were unobtainable to me.
However, for any of you who are always under the impression that you cannot reach beyond your "class", I have news for you.
The game started and the best player on the team (E) was on the bench so that he could stay on for the full game after he was subbed in. I was trying to listen to some of the coaches conversations about the game and I looked over to see (E) looking at me then look away. This went on for the whole game, I would look over and he would be looking at me, I would be watching the game and inbetween plays he would look over at me from the field.
I don't have anything else to report yet because the games keep getting called off so I haven't seen him in a while but I'll keep you updated I guess?
Anyway that's my story, and what my passage is written about because I just can't get him out of my mind! Him looking at me then looking away and smiling to himself is on constant replay in my head.