Chapter 1

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Kristina and I were walking out of the mall, me holding most of the bags because I demanded to be a gentleman and hold them for her. Her stubbornness almost won out but she finally gave up and let me be. She'd been letting me get away with this kind of stuff for a while now, as if she had a choice. She was leaving for college soon and would be leaving me here at our high school for another two years.

Her and I had gone to prom together this year, mostly to my delight. For I have had a crush on her for a year and a half and when your beautiful senior crush asks you to prom you'd better say yes. Ever since prom her and I might as well have been dating and when you start to date someone you've liked for a long time you start to fall for them, which is what I've been doing.

So her and I walk back to my car which is parked towards the back of the parking garage on the third story. I bump into her on purpose and she flips me off and laughs. I love her laugh. It sounds like she's plotting the end of the word in the cutest way even though she'd bring plagues and robots on her enemies. Yes she's that kinda crazy, but in a good way.

"So how many stores did you drag me to today?" I ask her in a sarcastic tone of voice. I hear her eyes roll.

"Well Daniel first of all YOU wanted to go to the mall and second YOU dragged me into the stores," she retorted back at me.

"Yeah but you bought this much stuff. I didn't say to buy anything you wanted, just what you needed."

"You bought me that pair of panties so shut up."

"Make me," I smirked.

As I say this we get to my car and I unlock it so I can put the stuff in the trunk. As I put the last bag in I start to ask her if she wants to go get anything to eat before I take her home but right as I open my mouth her lips are against mine. Her lips always tasted like honey to me and she knew just how to kiss me; softly but firmly.

"I made you," she said as she leaned away. Words failed me as my hands stayed at her waist.

I then heard the screeching of tires and the reving of an engine. A car came around the bend and I heard a gunshot and a scream, a female scream. Kristina's scream. I flipped our positions and made a shield around her. Five more shots went off and I felt three burning holes. One in my leg and two in my back. Kristina did not scream again. We both slowly sunk to the ground.

Kristina had been shot in the side and was bleeding a lot. I kept her propped against the car and put pressure on her wound. I felt myself bleeding but I felt no pain, I was fine. Just some grazes. I wasn't doing a good enough job keeping the blood from escaping. I ripped off my shirt and applied more pressure. She screamed. There was less blood.

I dialed 911 and told them exactly where we were and all the details I knew. I hung up the phone and continued to make sure Kristina was ok.

"Kristina you're gonna be fine. I promise."

"Daniel, your leg..." she managed to say.

I looked at my leg and saw blood. Blood everywhere. I was bleeding a lot. More than a lot. I had been shot in the artery that causes you to bleed to death in a very short amount of time. I had a minute at most before I was gone. I looked at her.

"Keep pressure on your back before the paramedics arrive. You've been shot once and it might've knicked a kidney or your liver. You're going to be ok though, I promise. I told you that I'd always protect you," I felt myself slipping. "Didn't I?"

"You did." She started to cry. I kissed her tears away with every last ounce of energy I had.

"I will always protect you. No matter what obstacles. You have my word." And as I said this our blood mixed and I slipped away, her face the last thing I saw and the sound of sirens the last thing I heard. Then I faded to blackness.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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