One way to go

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After what had happened between the Vault Hunter and Jack I had left him reluctanty along with Rhys, this leaving me all alone.

Though, Jack left me a watch. Just a watch that had an R on the back of it. Before he passed he told me hang on to it and not to listen to her.

Who was this her? I was so confused...

But something about being alone helped me survive this planet. If I knew Rhys, and Id like to think I do, I would presume he had Yvette call him a way back on Helios. I knew Rhys hated my guts right now but I don't blame him. I would too.

I found an abandoned place I stayed at for a while, it had a small room with a broken mirror along with dusty curtains and a couch. This was...all I needed.

I sat up from lying down on the couch. My head throbbing insanely, like my brain was racking to the beat of my own heart. To be honest these were my mornings often. Everyman has said I wake up looking like an angel but inside it was like the devil himself was fueling me.

I got up and looked at my bruised up face in the mirror, with splotches of purple and grey on my face.

"Look at yourself... how pathetic. So what now! Jacks lost, Rhys hates me, Im stranded on this ruthless planet PANDORA WITH ONLY A STUPID WATCH!" Ruby screams at herself glancing at the broken mirror.

Just my saddened face stared back as i felt my grip on the watch grow tighter. My thumb brushed off a small button from the side of the watch, it made a beep as if it turned something on.

"Heh, its gonna be alright kiddo. There's still a Ways To Go." A feminine voice whispered into my ear.

I swiftly turned around to see who just replied to me, but saw nothing there.

"What the fuck..." I whispered to myself and heard a chuckle.

"What the fuck is right friend... Oh my god this is so weird." She replied. This time I saw it, well her, some purple slim waisted chick my age leaning on the wall behind me. I saw her cunning grin peer into my eyes from the mirror. My eyes went wide in shock and I screamed.

"Haha! I'm back bitches! Nisha's back!" She yelled throwing her hand into the air. I made a questionable look and stared intently at her.

"Who...the fuck are you and why are you, a hologram?" I ask sternly yet scared at her suddenness. She wore a southern hat and had tight fitting clothes with fingerless gloves.

This...girl smirked at me and walked over slowly at me. "Hmm, you don't look as bad up close sweetie. Too bad your not my type." She winked at me and I gave her a puzzled look. "Its nisha, and you?" She asks me.

"Rose, Ruby Rose. Look I don't now how you got here but I'm gonna need you to leave. Now." I ordered and she frowned at me. She pulled out her gun and tried placing it to my head but it went right through me...

"GAH What the hell?!" I yelled surprised. "Holy shit. What just happened..." Nisha said genuinely afraid and confused.

Then everything just clicked to me, nisha wasn't alive...shes just a hologram, This explains her she just went through me....everything. She's just a program on the watch. But how did she get in?

"Nisha, y-your dead. Your a hologram."

"Heh, Yeah right bitch! I cant die, I'm the best shooter on Pandora." Nisha sneered. "Well obviously not anymore, your a hologram. Face it."

She looked at her hands and squinted at herself.

Nishas POV

I looked at myself and felt my mind go numb, was this even real? Why...jeez I knew id die someday but it shouldn't have been this young.

Jack, he did this. He made this for me so that I'd live forever with him.

"Forever...that's a hell of a long time." I muttered. Ruby glanced at me with a smirk. "I never thought I'd have to tell anyone that they died...Im sorry nisha. Things don't always turn out the way you want them too yknow?" Ruby tells me and I grin shaking the sadness off.

"Look kid, I was never afraid of dying. But look where I am huh! So do me a favor and shut the hell up. Your not doing anyone any good." I sneered at her menacingly.

"Something you should know about me you cowgirl slut...I'm not good at all. I'm more bad"

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