Author's note

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Hello readers,

Sorry to break it to you guys but my friend got herself a boyyyyyyyfriend. Ey cheers to her. :D

hope when you read this, syaf, don't worry im not mad you got a boyfriend who is not Zenx. But i won't be continuing the fan-fic between you and Zenx since you got him. Ya know. so I hope you and your boyfriend would be happy together. :D last forever okays? :)

To the readers, Thank you for sticking along for the past 9 chapters. The story was kinda short and it takes very long to upload right? im sorry, because for this story, I was struggling how I would make the story interesting for you guys. (yeah and writer's block lol.) And I have to struggle with school too. Don't worry I will try my best to upload chapters consistantly okay? please don't be mad.

Now let's make a decision here okay? I was thinking whether I should continue this story or whether I should delete it. I thought why not let the readers decide? So im gonna let you guys decide whether you want me to continue it or not so yeah.

If you guys want me to continue it, the names of the characters would change and the plot (maybe.) don't worry I will letyou know who is who.

If you guys want me to delete it, I would make another chapter to end it. All stories need to have an ending after all. :)

So yeah. Let me know in the comments, whether you want me to continue this story or not. Okay? :)

This is the author, signning off. ★

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