~ Kehlani's POV

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Like every other day I was standing by my locker getting my books, going to class, going home and all the other the other things I do on a normal. The only difference is I didnt see my boyfriend, Mateo or his brother Ayo the whole day. I've been blowing up his phone and still no answer. So I decided to go to sleep and forget about everything.


As my dream about me and my private island was getting good, I could feel someone shaking me.

Teo : wake up (whispering)
Me : 1 more hour mom
Teo : Nah its me Mateo
Me : Mateo.  . . . . MATEO!
Teo : hey.
Me : what are you doing here at 2 in the morning?
Teo : im here to see you
Me : i dont wanna see you
Teo : why?
Me : cause you disappeared, then you dont answer my calls.
Teo : i was busy
Me : with what?
Teo : stuff
Me : yeah and you can stuff your way back out the.      window you came through
Teo : dont be like that
Me : Then tell me the truth
Teo : ill tell but not now
Me : whatever you can leave now
Teo : at this time? its far too late (sarcastically)
Me : you planning on sleeping here?
Teo : ding! ding! ding! youre correct
Me : fine but keep it down
Teo : youre the one whose gonna have to keep it down.


When I woke up the first thing I thought of was what if my dad found Teo on my bed, kidnapped him and killed him while I was asleep.

But i found a note saying : " Had to go, thanks for letting me crash. Love u. See you again tonight ;)"

He disappeared again?! Wow. Today I will not call, and I definetly not worry.

After my shower I went downstairs and made myself some Cherios and watched ' Are You There One? ' this got me thinking about me and mateo especially after all his disappearing acts. Then I heard a knock on my door

me : who is it?
halsey : ur bff
me : my bff? i have one of those?!
halsey : im coming in anyway.

When she walked in she could see my lonely state.

halsey : so. what was ayo doing here and why did he leave through the back?
me : he was here? when?
halsey : Now, when I walk in. Maybe he was spying on you for Mateo
me : thats weird and creepy
halsey : text him and ask.

··· text convo ···

mateo what was ayo doing here.
are you two spying on me?

if i wanted to see you i would have
walked in.

then did you send him

no. whats with the q and a

he was creeping in the back
a second ago

did you see him?

no, but he was here

how do you know it was him

i have a reliable source


maybe, maybe not.

ill ask him. on the other hand how are you?

im okay

are you mad at me

why would i be mad at my boyfriend
after he vanished for the whole day
and then he comes to my window at 2
in the morning and then he leaves again?
thats perfectly normal.

you are mad! but dont wuurrryyy im comin over tonyt

yeah sure whatever

ill be there at seven

sure whatever. dont be late i
got stuff to do

i love you :) <3

fine dude

··· text over ···

me : he is so annoying
halsey : what did he say
me : you gotta go
halsey : why
me : i have a visitor coming soon
halsey : is it teo
me : what?! no!
halsey : are you sure
me : yeah, now leave
halsey : fine im leaving. have fun with teo
me : i will. hey wait. . . . . .
halsey : ha! i got you.  . . .

When he comes here he better have a good excuse.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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