My Bully {rated R} Mindless Behavior Love story part 24

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9 Months later

Celeste pov

omg omg omg omg today is the day, oh my goodness, lord have mercy on her soul, ok celeste come down, you been through this before, its nothing

(A/N: Celeste was panting and walking across the room biting her nails and then all of a sudden Mickey come up out of nowhere and slap the hell out of her)


Mickey:aye i tought you was about to have a heart attack

Celeste:and nobody didn't give you permission to slap me

Mickey: my right hand gave me permission


DR. Adeleye had walked out and when i saw him i instanly ran up to him

Celeste: doctor doctor, is she gonna be alright?

Dr:is she always like this

Mickey:you'll be surprised

Celeste:so is she alright

Dr:ya she is fine, wanna go see her

Celeste:duh *runs to the room*

i had ran to that room like a bat out of hell

Celeste:keyer......omg she's so beautiful

Keke:I know right

Celeste:awe I'm finally a auntie

Keke:haha, where's jacob?

Celeste:you know how he is, he still downtown still sellin drugs

Keke:I told him about that and now he miss the birth of his niece

Chres:keyer a it's gonna be fine, who know he would be here any minute

3 days later

keke's pov

Jacob still have'nt came and its about time for me to go home with the baby, ill be fine and ill pray for him and hope that he is fine, Chres had came and picked me up to take me home

20 minutes later

we had made it home, i had took lily up to her new room and laid in there with her

Jacob's pov

I was downtown still doing same old same old, dealing and getting money for my neice.....wait a minute, the baby was born three days ago, UGH! I forgot all about Lily, you know what ima go see her now she's prolly at home now

(A/N: Jacob had hopped into his car and started driving to the West side of Atlanta to go see Keyera, but a group of cars had pulled him over, then these big guys had pulled him out the car and started beating him up while Jacob spitted out blood, Then this huge fat guy had climbed out the car and walked over to Jacob)

??:Jacob, where my money?

Jacob:*spits out blood* look the other day was the birth of my neice and i forgot all about it and i have to buy her things, i promise ill pay you all of it back

??:idc nomore you said that so many times and you still haven't payed me what you owed

Jacob:i promise please i am sorry, i won't do it ever again

??:and how am i suppose to believe that jacob

Jacob:i swear its for my baby sister i never really took care of her, i never really looked out for her and i wanna start now *starts to cry*

??:well, you should've thought of that before you started to run off with my money again...guys you know what to do

(A/N: Jacob life was flashing before his eyes and he didn't know what to do, then the big body guard gathered around him and a guy stepped out in front of him and held a gun to his face)

I guess this is the end of my life, i never should've dealed weed like my father, this is exactly how he died and i hope i make it to heaven to look over my sister and make sure she's ok, and make sure Chres never abuse her, that's my baby sister well I'm ready to get this done with

(A/N:Jacob had closed his eyes tightly and then all you heard was gun shots)

that was the life of Jacob Perez 



TBH i almost cried while writing this chapter, i put a lot of thought into this chapter and i love it myself and i hope you do to...comment what you think about it and vote

My bully {rated R} mindless behavior love storyWhere stories live. Discover now