Tantalizing Desires Past Midnight (Chapter 6)

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All righty, you guys! My dearest fans!

I'm done with Chapter 6. About time, huh? Lol Thanks for all the comments! You guys are really the best! :')

But I believe now we need to start thinking about something else. What do you guys want the characters to look like? Anyone can send any pics for me to choose from to see who's Sabrina, Zander, and Max. And does anyone need reminding of what they look like?

Sabrina--- Black curls and green eyes.

Max--- Dark hair, dark blue eyes, and goatee.

And Zander--- Dark hair and violet eyes.

If you can't find people with the exact features, there's always photobucket to help you edit pics!

Just send the pictures to Cheergirl896@yahoo .com (Don't make fun of the email, I made it back when I was in 5th grade! Lol)

Thanks for all the support you guys have given me! LOVE YOU ALL! XD


Vote!!! Just one click away!

And maybe fan?!?! Lol

~~~ Mindy <3 xoxo (:

P.S. Picture to the right changes but I had to get it! The goatee on Max may look to thick but I thought he looked great! Just ignore the other pic about all I wear is you or whatever. Lol. And just imagine Sabrina's hair black. Sorry. It wouldn't let me edit the picture! ):


"I'm scared, Rani." Sabrina whispered into her sister's shoulder as she continued to stroke her pitch curls. Quietly, she began to twirl one of her sister's golden strand of hair around her finger.

Every sound that burst out in the study made her clench on to Rani even tighter, gritting her teeth. Every slam. Every yell. Every bang! It was because of her... Somehow, though she didn't know why, but it was her fault. All because of her.

"Oh sweet heart," Rani cooed, dabbing at her eyes with her fingertips. "This is no reason for you to cry. They're brothers, did you forget? Years before you were born they still fought non-stop. Don't blame yourself over their bickering. They argue like old grannies."

Sabrina knew that her sister was trying to make her feel better. Rambling on and on about the brothers so that maybe she would crack a smile. But instead, with each roar that burst in the room, she'd flinch, gripping on to her light blue sweater. Her sharp jade eyes narrowed on the door. "Aw, hell. That's enough of this! I can't handle this anymore." She gestured for her little sister to lean up against the wall.

"Where are you going?" She questioned, making an effort to rise but the pain in her body pleaded for her not even to twitch a muscle.

"I'm going to end this before it kills you."


Maximum stabbed his hand through his hair. "Tell me one thing, Alezander. What in your right mind made you think it was OK to get our kingdom's Queen drunk?" When he didn't lower his bright gaze, he grounded his teeth. "You almost got her killed!"

Zander locked eyes with his brother. "Stop freaking out. I got her back before any real damage occurred. Plus, we eliminated four rogues tonight."

A muscle ticked in Max's cheek. "Any real damage? She was sliced two inches deep in her torso, along with tearing some muscle in her left arm. And you say no real damage happened!" He slammed his fist against his desk, making everything on it jump a foot in the air. "I wouldn't care if you eliminated every single rogue on the planet! You endangered our Queen and have nothing to say for yourself."

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