Chapter Twelve - First Kiss

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“Here we are”, this time Niall said and opened the door. “Liam? Did you get it?”, he asked insecure whn Maggie left the limo.

“Of course, little leprechaun!”, he smirked. “It’s in the back. Shall I get it for you?”

“Nope, but thanks. I’ll get it on my own. Thanks. How much do I owe you?”

“Nothing. My money is your money. And you deserve this girl. Hope she likes it.”

“Me too.” He closed the door behind him and they went up to the hotel room. It was already 11pm and Jenna felt alseep - Harry carried her up to the room.

Maggie also leant onto Niall because she ws so tired. She had hooded eyey but tried as hard as possible to holf them open. She would call her friend tomorrow…

“One Direction, your room is ready for you and your suitcases are already upstairs”, the receptionist said when they passed. “Thanks!”, Louis shouted and Harry shushed him, but Jenna woke up. “Harry!”, she smiled surprised and fell almost off his arms. He catched her and smiled back at her.

“Wanna watch a DVD?”, Louis asked her.

She laughed but agreed. “Which movie?”

“Toy Story!”, Liam shouted.

“Shush! It’s late at night!”, Niall conplained but he also smiled.

“Will you sleep at the hotel tonight?”, Zayn asked Maddie hopefully. “I know, it’s weird, you’re living here but maybe your mom would complain about you coming home so late.”

“And where should I sleep?”

“There’s a bed in Niall’s room left”, Louis winked.

“You can take my bed and I’ll sleep in a room with Niall, okay?”, Maggie suggested.

“Aww, are you jealous?”, Louis asked with a baby voice.

“You just sounded like Lux”, Harry laughed.

“Oh, I bet she is supersweet! I wanna meet her once!”, Maggie smiled.

“You will”, Niall promised. “For our interview in Finland we need make-up and Lou takes Lux always with her. It’s cool with her.”

“If I knew Lou better I could comvince her to look for Lux”, Maggie giggled. She loved babies and children more than everything. Mabe except Niall. ‘Do I already love Niall? He admited he would…’ She yawned. “We should go to bed now.”

“Yep. Come Maddie, let’s go to bed. Maggie, have a nice sleep”, Jenna winked at Maggie and she blushed.

“Come, Maggie”, Niall smiled and took her hand. She felt a current pulse all over her hand overwhelming her by moving through her entire body. “I love you too”, she whispered as Niall closed the door. “Excuse me?”

“I said… I love you too, Niall.” She smiled at him.

He smirked and walked at her. “I hope it works out this time…” He lie his hand on her head and moved on to her.

“I just wanna say good-! Damn! Sorry!”

“Hi, Louis”, Maggie smiled. Why was it always Louis?

“Hehe, goodnight guys. And use protection, alright, Niall?”, he winked and closed the door.

“You’re red like a tomato”, Niall joked.

“I know”, she giggled.

“So… How will we go on now?”, he asked and stared at her.

“Do you mean…?”

“Only if you want to!”, he deffended and put his arms up in the sky.

“Idiot, of course I want”, she smiled. “Which girl could say no to you?”

“I’m glad you didn’t say Niall Horan. Now I know you like me and not Niall Horan from One Direction.” He went into the bathroom and she could hear water. She smiled and couldn’t hold back the tears of glee anymore. He really tried to kiss her, she knew now. And he told her he loved her. She took off her shirt and jeans and put on her PJ.

“Jenna, are you still awake?”

“Harry?”, she asked. She had almost fallen asleep but as she heard his voice she was totally awake. “Yep. You said you wanted a kiss every night. Sorry for waking you up. Shall I just go?”

“No!”, she screm-whispered and sat up to face him. “You can wake me up as often you want to kiss me.”

He smirked and leant forward and they kissed again passionatly. The moment their lips touched everything around them was gone. The feeling to get caught by Maddie who was just a few metres away was gone, the sounds of her breath. The bed underneath them seemed to disappear and they just flight. “Goodnight, Jenna”, he smiled, gave her a kiss on the top of her nose and left.

“Everything’s comfy?”

“Umm, yeah, guess so”, Maggie smiled. She heard footsteps outdoors and smiled. Either it was Harry who came back from Jenna’s room or Jenna who just walked to Harry’s.

“You guess?”

“I rarely sleep in a hotel. I’m used to my own bed for ages.”

He laughed. “You’ll get used to.” He stood up and sat down on the edge of her bed. ‘I really wanna kiss her’, he thought. ‘Why can’t I?’

“Vas happenin’?”, she tried to imitat Zayn but failed. Loads.

They both laughed. “Seriously, how can I help you?”, she asked again and sat up. “Niall?”

He didn’t say anything he just stared at her. “Would you sing for me again?”, he asked and lie down on her bed.

“Really? Which song?”

“Pick one.”

“Okay”, she smiled. “We’ll do it all. Everything. On our own. We don’t need. Anything. Or anyone.”

Then they sang the chorus together “If I lay here! If I just lay here! Would you lie with me and just forget the world!”

Then he suddenly took her face into his hands, pulled it closer to his and finally crushed his lips on her.

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