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Previous begin

"Sasuke kun is ours don't even try going after him you little slut". Shika sat up at that point and said" Sakura I am pretty sure we already covered this Naru is my girlfriend and we have been what do you call it oh yeah, betrothed to each other by our parents. She doesn't even like the arrogant teme so if I were you or your friend please refrain from calling her names or you will be in a world of hurt." He shocked all the teachers and the boys who were watching at this point because he said a lot without putting a troublesome or what a drag in any of what he just said. Sakura recoiled in shock before she sneered at him then turned back to me and said the most unforgivable thing to me "oh really? I don't see what she can do such a frail little girl she looks as if she gets a paper cut she will burst into tears, and what will she do run to her whore of a mother, oh wait, she can't she is dead."

Everyone blinked

Blinked again

And again
Then everyone slowly backed away from the three and Narus face contorted into one of pure rage

And Naru and shikamaru blinked again trying to sort out what she said while Sakura gained a winning smirk.

Shikamaru looked and Narus face and said ..



"Well sh*t."

Previous end

Kiba POV

I saw Sakura and the rest of them walk over to shikamaru and Naru and I started to snigger when I saw the fangirls pull on her but she wouldn't move this went on for a while until she got fed up and asked what they wanted, they just kept saying don't go after sasuke. But didn't we go over this in class she already has a boyfriend, Sakura took it all to a whole new level with her insults and even ino looked repulsed at the words coming out her once friend. I took notice that all the teachers were watching along with everyone else in my class and the other classes we all turned to shikamaru who we thought would defend her from the second round of insults. I noticed how Narus face looked indifferent when Sakura was insulting her but when she mentioned her mother all hell broke loose I looked at shikamaru to see what he will do, and all he did was move away from her and say " well sh*t" and we could read the mood so we made a mad dash back to the classroom safety.

Shikamaru POV

"Well sh*t" I heard myself say as I slowly backed away whimpering slightly as I did I made it at least 10 feet when I felt something grab my wrist I turned to see a gold chain on it and I got dragged back to Naru I think she may be doing it subconsciously I just let her drag me because I am smart and know not to fight her and it is definitely not because I am completely whipped by her and the pain I will receive will be worse than a trip to the shinigami ( A/N I am crap at spelling so I am sorry if I spell things wrong) because hell no wrath like a woman scorned.

Naru POV
(A/N what we have all been waiting for)

"oh really? I don't see what she can do such a frail little girl she looks as if she gets a paper cut she will burst into tears, and what will she do run to her whore of a mother, oh wait, she can't she is dead." Played in my head over and over again and each time I got more angry my hair started to split and float above my head like tails and a very dark aura appeared behind me and my head slowly turned towards the unsuspecting Sakura who is still smirking like she won a world prize. I started to speak normally with my voice changing to a demonic voice and very angry but still sickly sweet, "yoU Can sAy WHATEVER you want about me BUt never INSULT my MoThER in front of ME OkAy." And for extra measure I bitch slapped her into a tree and she got stuck in it, but my break was ruined so I went into the classroom still dragging Shika with me ignoring all the scared looks I got off of them and went to my desk and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the desk.

break finished

Naru, Shikamaru wake up its class time Iruka shouted and Sakura screeched at us and because of that i woke up still annoyed and i picked p the closest thing to me which just happened to be a pencil which i then channeled my chakra through it then i threw the pencil towards Sakura and it just so happened to hit her huge forehead. oops my bad i said in a baby voice. this is too troublesome i sighed to shika i wanna go home. Shikamaru looked at me and nodded and then said this is too troublesome to even put effort into and as soon as he had finished he put his head on the fest and fell asleep straight away, I sighed and then remembered that we were out late doing mission for the hokage late last night so we got less sleep than we normally do, so i put my hand in his hair and started to thread my hand through it while I "paid " attention to the lesson on chakra control.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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