a n x i e t y - i ' m o k a y

16 2 2

"listen to me now.

i want you to take a deep breath,

breath in....... and out.......

repeat that until you feel better, okay?"

how long am i able to do this?

how long until it doesn't help me anymore

it's not helping

will it start helping?

when will it start helping?

when will i calm down?

when will this feeling go away?

will it go away?

why isn't it going away?

"do you feel better?"

i sigh,


"y e s"

i saw them walk away

i could've asked them to stay with me

i could've said "no, i don't feel better"

but i didn't

i couldn't



i could've

but i didnt,

because i was afraid

i'm enough of a burden on myself

do you really need that on top of your problems?

because i'm not the only one with problems

and there are people out there with much worse problems than me

people are crying

people are dying

barely surviving

and i'm here acting as if i'm worth it

all because i didn't feel okay

how selfish

i thought my problems mattered

for once i put myself over other people

it's what my therapist told me to do

why did it feel so bad

why didn't it work

it was supposed to work

why didn't it

tell me why it didn't work

tell me

tell me

please tell me

this can't go on forever

it's got to stop at some point

maybe i should just focus

focus on something positive

something positive



how about breathing,

that's supposed to work


breathe in

breathe out

breathe in

breathe out

breathe in

breathe out

that's a bit better,

i guess

i can cope with that


that's better

it's good

it's great

i'm better

i'm able to cope



i'm okay

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