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Ok yea you already know me. I'm Summer Hathaway. A band manager and A plus student. I go to William Travis Prep. Anyways let's skip this whole introduction. So my school used to have uniforms until today the first day of the new year. I'm a freshman now and since Mr.Finn was highly appreciated. He got to follow us to high school. Plus we're just in the high school building now. Nothing different. Same principle. Anyways I was in my room trying to find an outfit.


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I went downstairs and grabbed an apple and my penny board

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I went downstairs and grabbed an apple and my penny board. Ok so Tomika did teach me how to skate after about 2 weeks. I head out the door and skated to school. I then realize I was gonna be late before first bell. I always like to get to my locker before then. I look at my schedule and see which number my locker is at. I put my penny board in my backpack and start running in the direction of where my locker number was at. Man I miss open house. Why do they stop that in high school? Then I bump into someone and fall straight to the floor. I was praying and have that it was not Principal Mullins or Clark cause I was running in the halls. I look up and see a green eyed boy who makes my heart melt. He helps me up.
F- I'm so sorry Sum.
S- It's ok. It was my fault.
F- Why are you running anyways?
S- Uh I don't know where my locker is and first bell is about to ring.
F- Let me see your schedule
I hand him my schedule and he smiles.
S- What?
F- Your locker is right next to mine.
I then freeze. I'm locker mates with the boy I can barely talk to. I KNEW I WAS GONNA DIE THIS YEAR.
F- Summer? Sum? SUMMER?!
S- Oh yea sorry.
F- Come on.
We start walking to my locker. I put in my locker combination and put my stuff inside. I need to decorate it. But this year no pictures of Freddy. Because he is literally next to me.
F- Hey when did you learn how to skate?
S- Two weeks ago. Tomika taught me.
F- Wow only two weeks.
S- I'm a fast learner.
Then Tomika comes rushing up to me then hugs me to death.
T- It's been forever since I saw you.
S- I saw you two weeks ago and you're kinda killing me.
She pulls away.
F- Hey Tomika.
T- Fredward. What are you doing here?
F- I'm at my locker. Also I helped Sum find hers.
T- Wait you're beside her this year. Then who am I next?
She looks at her schedule and then Zack walks by.
Z- Hey guys does anyone know where this is by?
S- Let me see.
He hands me his schedule. Then I hand it to Freddy since he already mapped out the whole building. He takes Tomika's.
F- You both are beside each other and across from us.
T- So speak of the devil.
Z- You're joking?
F- Why would I joke about that?
T- Hey I'm a good locker mate. I give great advice.
S- She's right.
Z- Fine.
They both head to the lockers across from us and put their stuff inside.
T- Ok let's go to Mr.Finns and get this year started. What massacres could he start this year?
S- He'll most likely be late. Better get the window ready.
We all laugh and go to the classroom where we see Lawrence and Esme working on some kind of invention. I go to the world and open it for Mr.Finn.
T- Larry what's that?
L- Your replacement
T- What
L- Well when your sick or something happened. If we had a gig this machine would be able to take your spot.
T- Oh well that's a great idea.
L- If only Freddy thought the same way.
F- You guys thought it was better than me.
T- It was.
He rolls his eyes. The only seat that wasn't taken was the one beside Tomika and the one beside it. Zack decided that being behind me was the worst. What I did to make him think that. I don't know. So Freddy goes and sits in the seat behind the one beside Tomika. Oh no that means my major crush is behind me. Just great. I sigh and sit down. Then the door opens and it's Mr.Finn. We all gasp.
MF- Did you guys know that there's a back door?
All- What no.
He shrugs and sits at his desk. He starts taking roll call. For the first time ever.
MF- Ok everyone's here. So what's our goal this year guys?
S- Well we could try getting noticed more and try even getting a record deal.
MF- I love the way you think Hathaway.
S- Thanks I guess.
T- No but that's a awesome idea Sum. A record deal would be the biggest thing for us.
She sits on top of her desk.
MF- What would be even better is if we reached to different genres.
Z- But Mr.Finn we're school of Rock.
MF- Yea and I love Comedy
F- What does that have to do with any-
S- I get what your saying.
Freddy just looks at me.
S- What he means. Is yea he likes comedy but he doesn't mind watching other genres of movies.
MF- Exactly Summer.
F- You got that from one sentence?
S- I was paying attention to the whole conversation.
Tomika looks at me with "I want to talk to you later look". I just nod.
MF- See most musicians can go from one genre to the other through albums.
L- Name one
MF- I know for sure that-
T- Panic at the disco did it.
Z- Yea but they're dead.
T- (gasp) How dare you say that? It might just be Brendon but they are still making songs. What do you call victorious.
L- Stop talking about the show victorious that's been dead for a while now.
S- She meant the song.
L- Oh.
F- I thought your favorite band was twenty one pilots.
T- It is but I also like P!TD.
Z- I thought it was Demi Lovato.
T- We're talking about Bands Zachary. You know what we are.
MF- Guys stop getting distracted.
We all look back at him. I got up out of my seat.
S- Ok so the plan is going for different genres and trying to get a record deal.
I sit on top of my desk with my legs crossed.
MF- Exactly. Seems like a great goal for the year. Now time to learn. Ok everyone stand up and get into a straight line according to your seats.
We all stand up and get into a straight line.
MF- Ok if I touch your head go to the back of the room.
He goes over and touches me and Freddy's head. But Freddy grabbed Mr.Finns hand before he did. We go to the back off the room standing there confused.
MF- Ok If I hand you a water gun. Step forward.
He hands about 10 kids a water gun including Zack,Tomika,and Lawrence.
S- Mr.Finn what is goi-
They start shooting us with the water. I duck under the desk. Freddy was being stupid and just stood there trying to defend himself. I grab his arm and drag him down.
S- What is wrong with you?
He shrugs and I just sigh. I get up from hiding they start showing again. I push through it. I grab the one from Lawrence and then start showing them.
MF- Ok game over.
F- What was that for Mr.Finn
MF- We'll be doing that every day before lunch. I just decided I wanted to start with people who's last name starts with H. Which was you two?
S- So that's why you took roll call.
MF- Yep
The bell rings. We all head out the room and to our lockers. I put my stuff in there.
F- You heading to lunch Sum?
S- Uh yea in a minute.
F- Ok see ya there.
S- See ya
He heads off and I go up to Tomika.
S- Why did you want to talk to me?
T- Well haven't you noticed that you've been able to talk to Freddy in full conversation.
S- Well I think I'm finally realizing that I never had a chance. I mean come on he's my best friend since Preschool. We all see each other as siblings. Like it should be.
T- Well that's good Sum. How long have you realized.
S- Since the last day of school. It's just time to give up Tomika.
T- Well good to know. Come on let's go to Lunch.
S- K.
I wrap my arm around her shoulder and we head to Lunch. I'm glad I got a friend like Tomika. She's always there for me. We walk into courtyard and see the boys at a table talking. We go up and sit next to them.
Z- Hey you guys ok?
T- We're fine Zachary.
Z- Ok when will you stop calling me by my first name.
T- When you change it.
Z- Why I like my name?
T- Then why do you want me to stop?
He opens his mouth and then closes it.
Z- You have a point.
T- Nice doing business with ya
L- What business?
T- Nothing Lawrence I was joking.
L- Oh ok.
Z- Hey Freddy what's up with you?
F- I'm still mad at you guys. The only one I'm not mad at is Summer.
T- Your not a grudge holder.
F- I know but today I'm gonna be. So after this last sentence I'm giving you guys the silent treatment.
S- He won't last guys.
F- Sum you don't believe in me.
S- Freddy the longest you've been quiet is in your sleep. Ever since Preschool you've always been a talker.
F- Well that's going to change.
T- Yo Fredward your still talking.
He rolls his eyes at her.
Z- Ok Freddy. I dare you to go the whole week ignoring Summer.
S- Why me?
Z- Cause your the only one he's not against.
F- I can't do that.
Z- Got you.
F- Ef you Zack
T- Nice plan Zachary.
L- I need your help Sum.
S- With?
L- Helping me with me and Esme's anniversary.
S- Aww ok I'll help. Any ideas?
L- Not one.
S- Well if I was Esme. I would like to go to the beach at sunset with a picnic.
L- Thanks Sum. Any ideas on gifts?
S- Lawrence that's for you to figure out on your own. She's your girlfriend.
L- Your right well thanks anyways.
S- Your welcome.
He gets up and leaves. Probably to go think of a gift for Esme.
T- Come on guys let's start heading back to class.
We get up and start walking back to class. Once we get there we see Mr.Finn jumping on a trampoline. I'm not going to ask.
T- Uh Mr.Finn what are you doing?
MF- Oh you guys aren't supposed to be here.
Z- Where then?
MF- Physical Education.
He grabs a schedule and shows us. We all nod and leave. We start walking to the gym. When I feel someone jump on my back.
T- To the gym.
I giggle at her and I start running to the gym. The boys running after us. Once we get there I put her down. The gym coach comes up to us.
GC- Names
T- Tomika Young
S- Summer Hathaway
Z- Zack Kwan
F- Freddy Huerta.
GC- Ok guys so. Your uniforms are in your locker in the locker rooms. When you guys come out I'm going to partner you up and we'll run around the track.
We head in different directions. Tomika and me go to the locker room and to our lockers. We put on our uniforms and put our hair up. We walk out.
GC- Ok girls start running with everyone else.
We nod and start running around the track.
T- See this is why I hate gym. What's the point of it.
I just roll my eyes at her.
*Skip to after Gym*
It was finally the end of the day. I was heading home when Freddy ran up to me.
F- Hey Sum
S- Hey Fred
F- Something's different about you.
S- New year. New you.
He just smiles.
F- Well I gotta go see ya tomorrow Sum.
S- See ya.
He ran into the house next to mine. Yea we were neighbors. I don't understand why we don't walk to school together. Oh yea I remember I had a huge crush on him. But sometimes I do have to babysit his little sister. So I do go over there once in a while. But if we were closer friends. Heck I might've gone there every day and hang out. He has asked before. But I ruined that with my stupid crush. I've always blamed myself for it. Well I should. It's all my fault. Then my phone buzzes. I take it out my pocket and see my friend Ricardo texted me. Ok you want a story. I'll give you one. Ok so I can sing and I can play instruments. So on Instagram I post my covers and some of my own songs. I also upload them to YouTube but I never show my face. I always have a masquerade mask on. So one day on Instagram this guy liked my post. The name seemed familiar so I checked him out. Turns out he did the same thing I did. Except no masquerade mask. It was always just videos of places. Which I found pretty cool. Then one day he dmed me. My fake account was Jade Pettyjohn. So I went under the name. We started talking and then found out we have a lot in common. The only thing is we will never know who the other one is. I kinda like it that way though. Anyways back to the message.

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