bendy and Felix

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One beautiful day bendy desired the to go for a walk to the park with Boris. After sitting on a bench bendy sighed I wish I could meat Felix in prison bendy said quietly I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish 20 times. Boris came over and said to BENDY  I want ice cream with sprinkles BENDY sighed for the last time I am 16 and toy are 11 now act like it. Fine then mister bossy pants I was going to bring you to see Felix but no Boris said bendy glanced up and said I am sorry Boris I will get you ice cream bendy said only if I get to see Felix okay  yeah yeah what ever you say. After getting ice cream bendy and Boris went to go see Felix the cat that is for 18 years or younger . The invite Boris got said a show at the park at 2pm  After reading the paper BENDY and Boris got into the car and went to the park when they got there were so many kids watching when Felix came in bendy started to scream after 2 hours of watching Felix he needed an assistant and chose bendy okay what you are going to do is act like a girl and I am going to try to kiss you and you have to push me away okay Felix said as bendy nodded his head after showing what to do if someone tries to kiss you and then Felix kissed bendy on the lips. After the show Felix wanted to talk to BENDY bendy I know we just met and I am older than you but would you  like to sleep at my house tonight Felix said  I would love to great that night Boris asked if he could spend the night at a friend's house of course bendy said yay!!!! Bendy went over to  Felix house and had a little party after like 30 beers bendy and Felix went in to his to room while still kissing after a few minutes of kissing Felix took of his and bendy clothes and decided to stroke bendy d### bendy started moning as Felix  got deep in bendys butt. They f$$# all night non-stop until the morning came and bendy was wicking all morning after that they found out bendy is pragnent when Felix woke up bendy told him about it :-). After picking Boris from his house bendy told Boris then bendy and Felix told every one they knew .

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