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Namjoon Pov

I hate being a werewolf but what I hate more is Vampires , especially there king Yoongi . All he does is sleep and eat , not to mention writes , raps and plays the organ . Uhh such a waste of time when you can Run in the woods , and have no dreams about the future . Although the only dream I have is falling in love , but that will never happen . Especially with my parents , they hate homosexuals . Not to mention I am actually gay , and I am their only child . So I haven't told them obviously , they would kill me or even worse abandon me .

"Namjoon !"

"Uhh Jin what did I tell you about knocking !"

"Namjoon I did knock !"

"Oh sorry I must have not heard you I was too lost in my thoughts .."

"Figuring out how
to tell them ?"

"Yep and I haven't had much progress ."

Jin is the only person who knows I am gay , he is my best friend for life . We met when we were in the forest , I was being chased by a vampire and Jin saved me .

"Uhh Namjoon just
tell them !"

"I will when I am
ready okay ?"

"Okay but if you never do I will !"

"Deal ?"

"Deal princess !"

Jin exited out of my room and I started to think again , how am I going to tell them !

(Knock Knock)

"Yes ?"

"Your father wants to see you Namjoon ."

I exit my bedroom , I enter a gold plated hallway , with family portraits dating around 1000 from years ago . I enter my fathers office , it filled high with books and papers .

"Father you
wanted to see me ?"

"Oh yes Namjoon , I am here to inform you we have found a fair maiden for you to marry."

"Father I don't want to get married ."

"Well too bad , she is a
Lovely lady named Krystal !"

"Fine , when is the wedding ?"

"Two months , on July 21st ."

"Fine okay whatever you say FATHER !"

I slam the door behind me and storm out into the luxurious woods , I start to tear my cloths I have on to pieces , I start to transform in to a furry silver coated , purple eyed beast . leaving life behind not wanting anything to do with it , I just run I don't care where it takes me I just trust nature .

I stop near a river so I can drink up from being dehydrated , suddenly I see a man . His skin radiates light into the darkness , his piercing eyes look at me with anger . His black hair blends into the night fallen sky . I know who this man is and I don't want to move from such a horrific sight .
I freeze in Fear because it is my rival Yoongi .

Authors notes

I know it was a little short but I hoped you like it 😁 Yes I added f(x) Krystal , f(x) was just in my mind because there my favorite girl group even though they kind of disbanded 😰 but I will try to be posting new chapters every two days in a week . ❤️

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