That Summer When

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  Hey my name is Jules. It's going to be summer soon and all of my friends think that I'm to uptight and basically that I suck when it comes to fun. yeah i am a little uptight ,but they are always getting into trouble, so who could blame me for being the one who tells them when enough is enough. if they didn't have me they wouldn't have a conscience. I'm not all that bad. I think I'm nice. I get straight A's and adults trust me. who the hell am I kidding most the kids at school don't trust me thinking I'm a tattle tale. this summer was going to be different it had to be. my friends Jordan and Sarah planned a trip on a cruise for us, so I could let loose a little. we are spending all of our life savings on this trip so I'm gonna make it count.

"Jules are you ready to go yet"Sarah said barging into my room.

"yeah do you have your face on yet?", I asked smirking.she always took forever getting ready because she has so much make up.

"Haha very funny ." she said sarcastically.

"come on grab your stuff and let's go the ship won't be there forever" Jordan said barging into the room.

"I'm ready , I'm ready"let's go.

-----Harry's POV--------

I'm as they say living on the edge. the edge of what I don't know I don't really get metaphors. I prefer when people are strait up with me. like when I tell someone I don't really like you, but thanks for the sex. strait up and honest. I'm in a band it's really popular. it's called one direction. girls love it, so I'm surrounded by them. not a bad life right. well Simon our kind of manager told us we need to take a break and relax, so we're going on a cruise.

"come on has its time to go."Louise my band member said to me.

"I'm coming just on second", I called back to him.

"you don't need all of your hair products"now come on niall yelled at me.

"I'm ready come on let's go" I yelled back they really were starting to annoy me.


hey that's all I have so far sorry. I hope you liked it vote and comment on what you think should happen. I'll try to write more.


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