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Name: Cyrus Benign

Age: surprisingly 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Very out of the box and sort of strange, he's curious and can be cold and rude when he needs to be. He can get sort of shy and doesn't like to be in a crowd, life can be lonely for the ones that don't like talking to many people.

Species: Half angel

Likes: Reading and sitting in his room quietly, rain, anything cold, definitely ice cream, sometimes cuddling (it depends on his mood mostly)

Dislikes: Anything distracting him, people being obnoxious, crowds, parties, having his picture taken, and he really hates it when somebody tries to pick a fight with him. It may not look like it but he's not afraid to kick someone's ãss

Sexuality: Gay but hasn't quite come out of the closet yet..mostly because no one ever asked

Other: He only has a father and a younger brother, his mother died when he was very young after giving birth to his brother. His father abused his brother because he thought it was his fault and Cyrus got in the way to defend his brother. His father has to defend his noble title so he does all he can to make Cyrus look good while practically ignoring that his brother exists.

If smut:
Position: Uke

Turn ons: well just find out I guess

Turn offs: bodily fluid/waste, being too rough, rape

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