The Worst Can Be The Best

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    The funeral took an hour at the church and an hour at the cemetery. You didn't do much at the funeral just stood by and watched as people came to see your mother then leave. Some came and said their condolences others just walked away. When everyone cleared there were only two left. You and that man...

     You walked to where he was shoveling the dirt into her grave. You watched him for about a minute before he noticed you "hehe came to watch me work have you?" you smiled even though he couldn't see it. "No I came to thank you" he stopped his work and looked at you "No need to thank me dearie I just did my job" you walked closer to the spot your mother was just put six feet under "I want to thank you for being interesting" the Undertaker laughed so hard he fell on the floor "me! *Laugh* Interesting! *laugh* you must be crazy!" you frowned and sighed "If you didn't interest me we wouldn't be speaking right now" the undertaker got up off the ground and dusted himself off. "Sorry dearie it's just if anything I annoy or bore people. You saying I interest you makes me laugh." You turned your back to the childish man "Well I know one thing. I don't lie and I certainly don't talk to boring people" the undertaker sighed "well miss (y/n) your welcome I guess?" when he said your name your heart skipped a beat. You had no Idea why but it did "I guess I shall see you later" you started to walk away but felt a light grip on your wrist "(y/n) can I ask you a question before you leave?" you turned to look at him thankful for the veil because of your blush. You have never had anyone especially a man want you to stay longer than needed. "Yes you may" the undertaker tried looking in your eye you thought you couldn't really tell because of his bangs. "If I show you my eyes will you show me yours?" hour heart started racing. 'What did he want to see my eyes for? Why would seeing his eyes be the same?' he stood there waiting for an answer tightening his grip on your arm. "Why do you want to see the worst of me?" the undertaker smiled "You think it's the worst but I think it may be the best" tears started forming in your eyes and falling from your face. No one ever wanted to call your eyes of all things the best part of you. The only reason you wouldn't want to show him is because your fear of losing your first friend? No? First? He's in your head all the time, he interests you, he wants to be around you, and he made you blush! 'Do I like him?' you look up at this man that's concerned? You just remembered you were crying. "I'm sorry it's just th-" the undertaker cut you off "you have never shown them before?" you smiled "no its that no one has ever wanted to see the monster in me"

The dark love Undertaker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now