Chapter Nine: Beautiful

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Waking up the following morning was a nightmare. With only a couple of hours of sleep under my belt, I was thankful for the long plane ride ahead. With the emotional strain of the previous day, my brain still needed a lot of rest and replenishing for the events to come. The transcontinental flight would hopefully allow for that.

After deciding on a hoodie, leggings, and loose bun for the travel day, I threw together a suitcase of clothes and toiletries that would get me through the weekend. With a few minutes to spare, I rushed to chug a few cups of coffee to help get the energy flowing. As I was finishing the third, a knock at the door informed me that the Catfish team had arrived.

"Good morning," Nev uttered amidst a yawn as I answered the door. Max was beside him looking quite devastated to be awake so early. The two were dressed far more casually than I'd seen them before, each wearing a sweatshirt and loose-fitting jeans.

"Good morning," I responded warmly, pulling my hood on as the frigid air nipped at my ears. The sky was still completely dark and the temperature below freezing, making the warmth of the awaiting vehicle look especially desirable. "It's freezing," I yelped, scurrying with my luggage toward the car. Nev and Max followed just as quickly, obviously just as eager for the heat.

Fortunately, the trip from my house to PDX was a quick ten-minute drive thanks to the lack of traffic. This gave us little time to get through security and to the gate before boarding. With only a few minutes to spare, we made it to the small line of passengers as it started filing onto the plane. Reaching the front of the line, I handed a woman my boarding pass and made my way onto the loading platform. Nev followed behind me with only a small duffle bag slung over his shoulder making me look quite over-packed by comparison.

As I forced my way down the aisle with my suitcase clunking behind me, I quickly came across the row of seats I'd be sharing with Nev and Max. With the assistance of one of the crew members walking ahead of me, I managed to squeeze my suitcase into the overhead compartment and slide down to the window seat. Nev sat directly next to me, followed by a moody, overly-fatigued Max who fell back asleep within minutes.

Nev and I engaged in small talk as the plane finished boarding and ran through the safety spiel. Once again, the conversation felt effortless and time flew by without our recognition. Sure enough, we were surprised to find that the plane was suddenly in the air, high above the greenery below. The clouds were like fluffy white pillows and the sky a florescent blue, deeply contrasting the usual grayness of Pacific Northwest winters.

"Are you feeling okay about meeting Elijah tomorrow?" Nev asked, concern narrowing his gaze. I grew slightly nervous at the thought, but I was surprised by a part of me that felt at peace with the decision. Our relationship had existed via technology for so many years that it had become quite miserable. Now, regardless of what was to happen, Elijah's and my relationship would become face-to-face. He could end up resenting me, but the way things were going, I would've eventually resented him. Meeting was the only chance of saving the relationship.

"Yeah. I am," I responded, my voice a little incredulous. "I've realized a lot in these last few days. It's the right thing to do."

Nev smiled, glad that I was holding up okay. "You're right," he agreed amidst a yawn. "You're making some good strides, Jasmine."

"I'm doing my best," I assured him before letting out a yawn myself. It was obvious that we were both in desperate need of some sleep. "I think it might be bed-time."
Nev agreed, eyes already half-way shut. He was out like a light, his mouth slightly parted and head pointed toward the ceiling. It wasn't until he was sleeping that I noticed how analytical and alert he typically looked. In contrast, the man right beside me looked blissfully careless and peaceful. Without noticing, I eventually dozed-off while studying his features.



I awoke with a jolt as the plane hit turbulence and interrupted my nap prematurely. The plane was dark and aside from the buzz of the engine, all was quiet. As I was about to adjust into an upright position, a warm weight against my shoulder held me in place. Slightly turning my head to find the source, I was surprised to find Jasmine resting against me in a dead sleep. Her lips were lightly pressed together and her body curled into a ball, legs pressed up to her chest. I considered waking her but immediately reconsidered, knowing that she needed the rest. And, admittedly, I didn't want her to move.

It probably looked creepy to be watching her as she slept, but everyone around me was out cold and incapable of judgement. I couldn't help but notice how astoundingly beautiful she looked, especially with her features so delicately relaxed. I knew from my first look at her that she was a pretty girl, but Jasmine had the type of beauty that intensified with each glance. Even without makeup, in a hoodie, and sleep-deprived, she was awestriking.

Suddenly, confusion interrupted my day-dreaming and I realized just how carried-away I'd become in my thoughts. How had I come to care so much about the girl beside me, and better yet, why was my heart beating a mile a minute as she nestled her cheek deeper into my shoulder? Her text messages had kept me up through the night, and the thought of that Elijah prick hurting her made me want to break things, especially his face. So, what did it all mean?

I'm in trouble, I thought to myself. I think I really like this girl.


A/N: pretty pretty pleeeeease leave a VOTE or COMMENT so I can know that my hard work is being appreciated. Not to mention, knowing that people are reading makes the writing a hell of a lot easier. :)

Thanks so much for the 100+ votes! <3 It's a great reward for reaching 10,000 words. Peace and much love xx.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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