The Whole Darn Story Below

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Mettaton,Star of the underground, was at Udyne's house. He was laying on herpiano and feeding himself grapes.

"I'vealways wondered this, but how can you eat grapes when you're arobot??" Undyne asks.

Mettaton'seyes dart to Undyne. He takes the grapes from his mouth and swallows.

I'mnot sure, sweetheart, but I do enjoy the taste of them." Mettatonsays.  

"you going to leave before Papyrus'cooking lesson??" Undyne asks.

"Cookinglesson??" he asks confused.

"Yeah, Cookinglesson "Undyne says. "You're too far away from him, so I teachhim how to cook."

Mettaton quirks abrow.

"what would theformer Captain of the Royal Guard know about cooking??" Mettatonasks.

"I see." Mettaton says. "To answer your question no I will not leave."

"why the hellnot??" Undyne asks.

"Papyrus and Iare dating, and I would love to help with the cooking lesson."Mettaton says. "Don't get all snotty with me, beauty, I know how todisassemble myself to make it look like someone else did it. Whatwould Alphys think when I told her you destroyed me??" 

"You wouldn't." Undyne says.

"Oh I would." Mettaton says. "I'm all for a good love story, but where's theexcitement if there isn't a fight every so often??" Mettaton says. 

Undyne glares atMettaton.

"Fine." Undynesays with a very loud sigh. 

"Play someVocaloid if you know how." Mettaton orders.

Undyne looks upwith a blush on her face.

"I only knowone." She says.

"Play it."Mettaton says. 

Undyne gets herfingers in place for the song and starts to play. It was Madness ofDuke Venomania.

Mettaton chuckles.He turned on his video recorder. Only he knows if its on, so he couldshow this to Alphys. The royal Scientist always wanted to hearundyne's Vocaloid song. He recorded her every movement. Undyne movedher body along with the music. It was something she could usuallyrestrain herself from doing, but she couldn't stop herself.

"Stop." Mettatonsays.

"Why??" Undyneasks.

"I want to hearyou sing." Mettaton says.

"Okay." Undynesays.

She starts fromthe top of the song and sings the whole song in Japanese no less.Mettaton was still recording, so he knew Alphys would love this, butthen again she would wonder why her lover had given in to singing soeasily. Mettaton made a mental note to make a pause in the video forthe fight they would have had about her singing. After a few minutesUndyne finished the song and Mettaton turned off the recording.

"Good job,Beauty. You're not as good as me, but pretty good none the less."Mettaton says.

Undyne is blushingheavily, but it looked purple with her scale color.

"Are you okay??"Mettaton asks with mock concern. 

"Yeah, I'venever sang that for anyone before. Not even Alphys." Undyne says.

"I see." Hesays. 

He grabs her chinwith one hand, brings her face up to his, and kisses her softly.Undyne pulls back.

"I don't care ifyou will blame me for destroying you. I'm not kissing you." Undynesays. 

"Darling, I'mnot trying to steal you." Mettaton says.

Undyne glares. 

"I mean it.Papyrus says I'm the best kisser, so I thought I could give youlessons." Mettaton says. 

"Papyrus hasn'tloved anyone other than you, so of course he would say you're thebest." Undyne says.

"Oh, Alphyssays i'm very gentle and tender." Mettaton adds. 

"What the holyhell?!?" Undyne yells. 

Calm down. Wewere just roleplaying. She wanted to become a good kisser for you, soshe made me pretend I was you." Mettaton says.

Undyne instantlycalms down. She knew how much Alphys loves her, so the fact of herwanting to become a better kisser warms her heart. 

"Okay, teach me,oh fabulous Mettaton." Undyne says.

Mettaton puts herponytail behind her shoulder, caresses her cheek, and then kisses hertenderly. Undyne kisses back, loving the metallic taste of his lips.To her surprise Mettaton has a tongue. Mettaton pulls away slowly,leaving a trail of saliva coming from both of their tongues. Undyneblushes more.

"Remember tocaress her cheek and then kiss gently and tenderly. Kissing isn't astrength contest." Mettaton says.

Undyne nods, stillblushing. 

Papyrus walks intothe kitchen with his kiss the cook apron on.

"Wowie, Undyne , I didn't know you liked Mettaton that much." Papyrus says.

Undyne's skin goesa dark purple. 

"Papyrus, how didyou get in here??" Undyne demands.

She looks at herposition. She was actually sitting on Mettaton's lap with her legsaround his waist.

"You gave me akey." Papyrus says. "Mettaton, do you love Undyne??"

"No, darling,why would I love anyone else other than you??" Mettaton asks. "I was merely giving her lessons."

"Oh okay." Papyrus says.

He gets out theingredients he bought for today. Undyne unwraps her legs fromMettaton's waist and gets off his lap. She gets off the piano andlooks at it, confused.

"How is it not broken??" Undyne asksalmost inaudibly. 

After a half hourthe cooking lesson was over and Mettaton walks back to Snowdin withPapyrus. They were going to have a date at Grillby's. Undyne decidesto head to Hotland to see Alphys.

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