Chapter 6

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I didn't know how long i stood looked out to sea. There were a few couples out and were talking. Even some children were out playing on deck. I beathed in the salty cool air. It was getting colder here.

"Hello" said a soft slky voice behind me. I jumped and whiped around. There was Edward, leaning agaist the rails next to me looking like a god. I blushed and turned back to the sea. "Quite a temper you have. From what Carlisle told us anyway." I narrowed my eyes but didn't turn to face him, knowing f i looked into those eyes i would melt.

"You know why" I said bitterly. Cursing Carlisle for telliing them. I knew he did.

"Yes" Edward said and stood next to me, looking at the sea with me. "I do" But he stll doesn't understand.

"You want to know the real reason i was kicked out into the street, at winter" He almost winced at that. "It was just after my third brith day. I had a family, One brother and two sisters, i was the youngest. We wearn't a rich family so the money was tight. We got what we could afford. I rember that day as if it was yesterday." I knew I would never forget. it was like it had been branded to my memory. " Me and one of my sisters were playing, we each had a hand made rag doll. Not one of those china dolls since it would break easily in a hands of a three year old. My sister, Abbey love her rag dolls. She played with them everyday. But they had become very fragile over the years. She was 6 at the time. Of cource i didn't know at the time. All her dolls were mixed up in a pile. She had left the room to get a glass of milk for her self. Leaving me alone with the dolls. I picked up a doll that was her most favoite, Chantell she call it.

To me it looked like any other doll. I started to play with it. But then it's head fell off into my hand just as Abbey entered the room." I closed my eyes, tears welling up in my eyes. "She thought i ripped it off. So she dropped the glass. It broke on contact with the floor. littering the floor with milk and glass. She stated to shout at me. Of cource i shouted back. Then we got in a fight. I tried to make her see sence that it was a accident but she was stubon. I hear oour parents thunging up the stairs to us. Abbey  had taken a step back but her foot got caught and she fell backwards on to the broken glass, i lunged forwards, trying to grab her so she wouldn't get hurt but i was too slow. My parents had came in just as i had lunged towards her. They had thought I had pushed her on to the glass." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. " It was night time as well and i was in my night gown. My mother took action first and went to my sister. But the glass had gone in too far. She was killed. Her blood pooled out on the carpet. My farther grabbed me and dragged me out of the house. He said the most horrible things and threw me onto the snowy street. I wanded around for  ages, looking for somewhere i could keep warm. My hands and feet were already freezing since i wore no shoes or slippers.

I eventurly i gathered that i wouldn't find anywhere to keep warm and freeze to death. Believe me, i was as good as dead. I had fallen beside the road when Esme's father had found me. He was on his way back from a party, in a hourse pulled carrage. He saw me as he went past and halted it. I was awake but i couldn't move from the cold. He took me back to his home as fast as the carrage would go. He called the maids, Esme's mother screamed when she saw me. Causing Esme to come down stairs. They had me laying close to the fire, to keep warm as they got a doctor. To them i was ghostly pale and blue, i looked almost dead. Esme sat next to me. I held on to her hand tightly. She knew i was wake and wanted to keep me warm enough to survive. She had warm hands then so they helped a lot. The Docot came and gone. i was still freezing but i could move a bit. I told them what happened the best i could. But i kept shivering. Eventuly i got better. Me and Esme played around with her dolls, this time they were very fragile, she didn't have any friends to play with so she mostly played but her self. One day when were were playing together i didn't relise that  her parents had been watching together. They saw that Esme was happy with me being there. They had been wanting another daughter for Esme to play with but after she was born her parens relised that they couldn't have another child after her. That had devistated them of cource. They saw that i could make them all happy. So i stayed. They were never happier" I said, finished my sad story. I knew i loved my previous family very much, but what my father did was in exusable. I could feel Edward looking at me with a mixture of shock, anger and pity.

"Im sorry" He whistpered and took a step closer, puttng an arm around my shoulder. " I shouldn't have let you relive that memory" i shook my head.

"It just hurts to rember. I loved my family then alot. i might have been young then but i wasn't stupid. i was smart for a three year old." I tryed not to make my voice sound modist. 

" I guess you were. And a surprisingly good memory if you rember that" I winced. He relised what he said and apoloiged. Tears were still running down my face. "Come on. Lets get you in side. You've been out hera a while. i don't want you to freeze" I faintly heard him say 'again' but i guessed he ddn't want me to hear that. We walked back to my room in silence. I looked at Edward.

"You don't of me any diffrent do you" I really didn't want hm to hate me for what happened to Abbey.

"No. i think of you better. Your a strong girl Bella. Not meny are." He reached down and kissed me on the lips. i stood there frozen as he left me my my door. He kissed me. I felt heavy with happiness, clouding out all sadness that had been there before. I opened the door to see Esme sitting on the bed, and tears running down her face. Joesph looked asleep in her arms. instantly my happy mood vanished

"Esme what is it? what happened"  I rushed over to her side

"J-Joe-sph. Joesph's dead" i looked down on to the sleeping baby, but that was just what he looked liked. He had died of a chest infection, barly a day old. tears now slid down my face as i looked at Esme's devistaetd face.

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