Chapter 4 - Just Like Old Times

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You twisted in a circle looking any kind of opening; an escape. But it was hopeless, you were surrounded. The tears flowed down your face as the monsters came closer and closer, laughing at you. You couldn't run and you couldn't hide. Finally, your legs gave out and you fell to the hard forest floor in a heap, curling in a ball and crying.

"Please. Please don't hurt me." You begged. The monsters laughed harder and mocked you.

"You're nothing. It's because of you your parents are dead. You didn't even try to save them."

"There was nothing I could do." I pleaded.

"You ran like the that coward you are."

"No..." You spoke in a whisper, begging for all of this not to be true. To wake up safe in bed, dad's hand petting your hair and he whispered words of comfort. Or at least that's what you imagined what your father would do. You couldn't remember what dad did whenever you got scared. It had been too long. "No. . . I couldn't do anything. . . I had to. . . "

"You're a coward for running and look at where that got you. Stripped of all your magic. A useless bird left to die forgotten in a dusty basement."

With a loud squawk, you jolted awake. It wasn't anything unusual, the nightmares. They were all the same. With you back in that forest running. Sometimes your mom and dad were there, screaming and asking why you left them to die, but they only appeared as shadowy figures. You couldn't even remember what they looked like.

Your joints ached as you sat up to avoid the sharp bars digging into your feathers. With a sigh you tried to forget the nightmare. As usual, the images wouldn't go away. Then the silence came. You didn't know what was worse, the nightmares that plagued your mind every time you closed your eyes or the deafening silence that filled the room when you were awake. But that was the daily routine, you were used to it now. Sometimes you tried to fill the silence by talking to yourself; but it didn't help much, as the only response you got were loud shrieks.

A loud creak caught your attention. Your head snapped upwards towards the noise, your earlier thoughts forgotten. The man you had come to calling master stepped through the door, the thumping noise from his boots echoed throughout the room. He flicked on the light and causing you momentary pain as you blinked, trying to get used to the light you had sorely missed. Once the light no longer bothered you, you slowly opened your eyes and cautiously watched him as approached.

Master had aged over the years, just as you had. His hair was unkempt and longer, a lighter grey than his beard. The outfit he wore was a black leather jacket with fingerless, black leather gloves, a small grey shirt and army pants, and black boots that made him just a little bit taller. To your horror, his belly hanged out from beneath his shirt and was covered in hair. It was truly a disturbing sight. Your head twitched downwards and you watched him. His movements were slow and spoke of old age. If you could guess right, he looked to finally have made it to the seventies mark.

He reached the bottom of the stairs and made his way to the table where your cage was placed. However, he was forced to stop and have a coughing fit, due to all the dust that had gathered. You couldn't help but sympathize, having experienced the same thing multiple times in this dank place you liked to call a dungeon. After a couple of whacks to the chest, master was able to recover and reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out his wand.

Master then pointed the wand at your cage door and whispered a spell, instantly unlocking the padlock that kept you from escaping. Of course, you had tried once, to escape. But you couldn't use magic to unlock the door and your claws were too big to fit inside the lock. He removed the lock and slowly opened the door. However, he made sure his belly was blocking the door in case you tried to fly away. You only rolled your eyes at his cautious antics. You were too weak to move, much less fly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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