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Christina Aguilera once said everyday is so wonderful, but recently, I've been beginning to highly doubt that.

I once believed that this one particular guy was someone I was destined to be with, the only who my heart belonged to but, boy, was I ever wrong.. Turns out he was living a lie, all the while using me to be his one way ticket to popularity. 

Near when our thirteen month relationship was going to be terminated, we were growing distant and our argument were frequent, so it didn't really surprise me when he ended things, but it didn't stop me from taking and handling the situation badly, but he, however, took it way past the limit, spreading shockingly horrible rumours about me in our relationship, things I apparently used to do, things that were never true. 

Things I never imagined he'd be mentally capable of. 

What were once my friends are now people full of hate directed head on at me under the vague guidance of him.  He stamped all over my well known reputation and drove me so far into the ground that all that was left of my was what folk deemed a worthless annoyance no one dared care about.  I was mocked, laughed at wherever I passed. The living hell never drawing to a close.

I relied on my music to keep out unwanted hatred, my iPod Touch and Skull Candy headphones becoming  a regular attachment along with my neon green hoodie, although I somehow think that the colour help bring me more attention, usually of the offensive kind.  That combination helped protect what self confidence I had left, protect me from the cruel outside world. 

I knew as I walked through the busy school corridors, that pupils stopped their personal debates to turn and face my direction while shouting verbal abuse at me.  "Freak!" "Loner" "Clingy prick!" "Reject!"

Occassionally objects and food flew my way, so I tried to avoid the canteen on the days that spaghetti bolognese was the lunchtime special, and instead find a secluded area far out of the way of any drama. I retreated there most days anyway.

In my eyes I had nothing more to lose, so the day I discovered Dad got an urgent job transfer to America and my Mum and I were going with him came as a massively grateful relief.  Only one more measly school week left to endure. 

This is high school so I didn't really expect gossip not to travel quickly, but never once did the question "how on Earth did the news get out in the first place!?!" leave my mind. 

The last four days continued on as per normal and so did the fifth, right until the final bell went that is.  A comforting surge shot threw me as I made my path towards the exit.  Three steps until I'm out of this dump for good, two, one - a warm, once reassuring hand grabbed my shoulder, I knew who it was instantly. 

The spiky blonde gelled hair and sea blue eyes before me when I spun around only confirmed my discomfort.  He never failed to make my heart skip several, longing beats and I would say I was over him, but then I'd only be in denial, all I wanted to do was fall into his waiting arms and let all my locked up feelings let loose, but over the past few months, I'd trained my mind well.  "What do you want?"  I could hear an icy chill thread itself through my words.

"Look, Kat, I didn't mean for things-"

I cut him off abruptly.  "I don't want to hear your crap or argue with you, my life here is over, here me!  You don't know how fricking glad I am to see the back of it all, all thanks to you and your so called friends, who, may I point out, you earned through me, so yeah I appreciate it all!"

"Kat, you don't know how honestly and truly sorry I am, I didn't want any of this, you didn't deserve it..."

"Damn right I didn't! I trusted you! Why didn't you try to stop it? Why didn't you attempt to show any care or even acknowledgement?" I recall this particular arguement and realise the ice never dispersed from my voice. It scares me.

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