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Sorry this is taking so long guys, I've just started track season so I'm away pretty much all weekend every weekend plus training almost every day.  Please keep reading though! I hope you're liking it so please fan and comment too! Enjoy.....


This time the scene was, er, unusual to say the least.

The smell of freshly spun candy floss wafted through the large big top which was covered in giant golden stars and finely decorated with blue and white stripes with red lining.  A dust floor layered the grass, ropes towered over the audience at nauseating heights, the deafening sound of chatter echoed around the edges of the tent, making it seem louder than it was.  I was stood at the doorway, strangers barged past me with boxes filled with popcorn, spewing all over the place.

I'm out of here, most certainly.

I never really have been a massive fan of the whole circus thingy so I turned around and stalked out, pushing past the people giving me funny looks of slight disapproval.  Oh well, the can look, leave them be. 

Ah, fresh air - well, almost.  The aroma of popcorn, sweets and candy floss still drifted but I didn't mind too much, I wasn't that hungry anyway.  I carried on walking, not really knowing where the hell I was going but I'd soon find out.

Sounds like the show had started and I guess I could've told that from the lack of people around me but I wasn't paying attention in the slightest - clearly.

The grass I was trodding on was all squelchy and muddy and didnt do my petite pumps any good what so ever, however, I carried on to find, em, just anywhere to go I suppose, but hell!   The rows of tents just kept coming.

This seriously wasn't England.... We'd never have a fun fair and a massive circus travelling together.  You'd never have enough space for them. 

The whoosh of an object moving swiftly and quietly broke my contemplation and I spun around.  If it wasn't for the setting I'd have a serious dose of deja vu right now.  "I knew it wouldn't be long before we were going to meet again, I've missed you." The sound came from behind and i slowly edged my body 180 degrees to face him...him....

He never failed to impress me and always made words fail me.  He's stunning, gorgeous, fit, perfect and totally sexy. I subconsciously started to walk towards him, one foot in front of another.

I reached him in a matter of milliseconds and fell into his waiting arms, we fitted perfectly together, like it was meant to be.  I smelled his scent, mmmmm lynx chocolate! I heard a low rumble of laughter in his chest then he leaned down to kiss my forehead.

I pulled a little back from him, just enough to look up into his annoyingly captivating green eyes bordered by the swish of dark brown hair.  His outfit was almost the same as last time, except this time he wore a cute Abercrombie hoodie. Oh how I love his Converses.

I snuggled back into the comfort of chest but I untangled my arms from around his neck and weaved my fingers through his.  The cold wind was being harsh but his hands remained soft and perfectly warm.  The same can't be said for mine but his heat radiated to me and curdled the blood pulsing through my veins. 

Music began blasting out from the Big Top and he readjusted the position of his body.  He raised my hands up to the base of his neck and he wrapped his arms firmly around my waist and rested his hands on the small of my back.  We swayed in time to the beat, the rhythm picked up and we began twisting and twirling elegantly, an intricate dance professionals could barely maneuver.  We stepped and spun, never putting a foot out of place or missing a step.  It felt like we were hovering! He tilted me back and the music stopped as quickly as it had begun.

He kept me there though, his perfect smile appeared to be in harmony with his glistening emerald eyes and as I studied them I noticed they were clear, almost transparent in all their green glory but they hid something, I just couldn't put my finger on what.... This bugged me. 

I didn't know who the hell he was, but I felt some unknown connection deep inside.  I longed to be in his arms and never leave.  To feel his body pressed against mine. I longed to be in his arms and never leave. To feel his body pressed against mine. To have him here, with me, so I'd never be alone. I wanted him.

The music seemed to go on forever, but forever wasn't long enough unfortunately and as all decent men say, all good things have to come to an end.

The circus ended and waves of people flooded out onto the grassy surface that was underfoot. I was still clutching mystery man but I guess our hold just wasn't strong enough, yet. I felt his hand slipping away from mine and his distinct voice calling out, "I'll come back Kat, I promise, I won't ever...", and the rest of his speech was slurred and muted as the chaos raged and people swarmed and engulfed my presence all aroud me.

I was lost, alone.

I didn't like this one little bit. I ran around screaming for a this guy I didn't even know the name of, what the hell was wrong wih me?!? I was frantic, I couldn't think straight, I didn't know what to do, random thoughts were running rings inside my head. The publics looks towards my direction varied - worry or sympathy for my insecurity, anger for the extra psuhing and shoving I caused, some younger people maybe thought this was an additional act as their faces clearly showed signs of humour. I couldn't hack it, not anymore.

I found a small, semi warm cubby hole and sat down, wrapping my arms around my legs and slowly rocked back and forth, trying to grab what little comfort I could find from the movement. The mass of people slowly reduced and then the circus ground was deserted, not a soul in sight. The massive, powerful lights all went out. Now, I really was all alone.

It took a while to notice that tears fell down my face slowly and in a way, gracefully, twisting, dodging my features, so slow yet so peaceful and silent.

I could feel the lids of my eyes get heavier and I fought a personal battle to keep them open but with no prevail. They jerked shut and the scene went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2012 ⏰

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