The Roller Coaster Ride Begins

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"I'm confused," said Claire as she, Jane and Sam were at their favorite cafe.

"About what?" Jane asked.

"About what's going on?"

"With what?" Sam asked. "Or better yet, with whom?"

"Cut it out!"

"Haha! I knew it! You're thinking about Kyle."

"He's kind of hard not to think about since the party."

"I like him," commented Jane. "He not only comes with great references, and of course he's a friend of our dear Sammy here, but he's also smart and cute. Quite hot if you ask me."

Claire gave her an exasperated look.

"Oh don't give me that look! What's to be confused about anyway? Here you have a guy who is obviously in to you, and I mean it's really really obvious that he's in to you, and you're asking the universe questions as to what's going on! I mean, do you need to research on this too in order to confirm what's happening?"

Sam was just giggling as he continued to take a bite of his cake and a sip of his coffee.

"I am not asking the universe questions, and I am not going to do a research on this. I'm just...."

"Just what? Confused? It's obvious Claire. Kyle clearly and I mean CLEARLY likes you. We all saw it. What's to be confused about?"

"Sweetie," said Sam as he took Claire's hand. "You've been confused for three years. We've been too, you more of course but, we know how it's been really hard for you. Can't you just see this as the end to all that confusion. Finally?"


Claire looked at her phone. It was Kyle.


"Hey there! Ahhhh... I was buying some groceries and I happen to pass by the aisle where they have the chocolates and they have a pretty good selection of dark ones."


"I don't know why, but I suddenly thought of you. Are you by any chance in to dark chocolates? 70%, 65%, okay? Cause I know 80% and up will be too bitter."

"Ahhhh.... I agree. 80% would be too bitter."

"So, would you like some?"

Claire was speechless. Confused as to what was happening.


"Oh! Uhm.... Sure, I could pay you when we see each other. Thanks."

"Oh no. It will be my treat, and I know just the brand to get you. I'll bring them where you're at?"

 "What's wrong with this human? Why won't she just say yes and tell him where she is at?"

"Well, you heard her. She's confused."

"My goodness! She's been confused with that other human boy for so long. Now that there's this other human boy who is as clear as day, and she is still confused!?"

"Well maybe she's been so confused for so long it is now hard for her to see what's real and what's not?"

"Want to to help her gain more clarity?"



"Oh! Sorry. Spaced out for just a sec. Uhm... sure."

"Got it! You're actually near. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Took her long enough."


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