~*A Glambert's Bedtime Story*~

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A Glambert's Bedtime Story

Sometimes, events take place that change the world. Change it for the better, though some may not see it that way.

This is the story of one of those events.

It happened, back in January of 2009. One night, out of the sky fell a downward-facing, diamond-shaped ship. It was like nothing any human had ever seen. It fell from the sky, surrounded not by fire, but what looked like white fire, almost glittering as well and leaving a trail of glittery dust after it.

It crash landed in Phoenix, California. There had been a great party being held in an open field at sunset, fires blazing, music blasting and people cheering and enjoying their time there.

But the festivities were cut short, as everyone surrounded the foreign ship that had just crash-landed in the field. They whispered among themselves, wondering where it had come from. Time passed as they conversed and wondered over the foreign ship that they all jumped and stepped back in surprise when a triangular shaped door opened with a loud noise, releasing mist into the field and around the crowd.

There were gasps and more murmurings as the door slowly lower to the ground, mist still flowing out as blue, green and purple light shown from inside the ship.

"What could it be? An alien? Sent to take over?!" Some asked, afraid, for they had never seen anything like this and so they didn't understand it and feared it.

But other's asked, "Could it be trying to find a new home? Or venturing to new planets in wonder of what beings inhabit it?"

Finally, the door was wide and open and the mist stopped flowing. The crowd seemed to hold their breath as they waited to see if any voyager would exit the ship.

They almost thought nothing would come out. Until finally, there rose a figure. The light was so bright that you could only see the silhouette of what seemed like a man. The figure stood straight up and everyone watched in anticipation until he finally walked forward, down the open door like it was stairs. He walked slowly, warily and when the light no longer shielded his features, the crowd gasped.

He seemed human, but inhumanly perfect as well. His features were smooth, perfect and sure, his skin flawless. His eyes were entrancing, the color of a misty bright sky. His lips were the softest pink. His hair was jet black, though a few tips of strands of hair went from green, to blue to purple. His eyes were lined with some black substance, almost like eyeliner, making his eyes more specifically seen. His ears were both pierce with black, circular earrings. And around his neck, hanging on his bare chest was a leather necklace; studded and holding an oval shaped blue/black stone that shined slightly. He wore leather gloves with chains hanging from them. He also wore tight leather pants and boots. And all over him, there seem to be glitter, like it was natural.

Soon, the crowd found their voice again and there was an over flow of questions, it almost overwhelmed the stranger. He just glanced around at them, wary and seeming a bit scared at his new surroundings.

"Enough! Quiet, quiet you all!!!" Someone finally spoke up, louder than all others and silence fell. It was a man, who was one of few in charge of the party which had been interrupted. He slowly and nervously walked towards to alien ship, making the stranger step back once in fear. He stopped when he saw that and he took a breath. "Excuse me…" he began.

The stranger raised is head, as if to tell the man to continue.

"Who…are you? Where did you come from? We've never seen anyone like you…"

The stranger was quiet, but finally, he spoke with a soft but strong voice. "I'm…I'm Fiercian. I've traveled…from my home planet, Planet Fierce… I wanted to see new worlds… And share with them, who I am…" he told the crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2012 ⏰

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