Chapter 13

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Chapter 14
Megan's POV

It was the same dream again, it drives me over the edge of a cliff when I wake. Shooting upright in my bed, I closed my eyes into a long blink then pried them back open to look at the clock.

I read the numbers that stated it to be 7:13 am. Throwing the covers off me, I couldn't help the feeling that crept up on me. Almost like I could feel it in the air, like when you have the feeling of moist in the air that you know it will rain later.

I had a feeling that something would happen and not so good either. I shook of the feeling as I made my way to my dresser to grab clothing for the day, deciding that I wouldn't wear the usual attire for a SHIELD agent.

Snatching a pair of faded, worn-out skinny(but not way too skinny) jeans, a dark blue shirt with a black cardigan and brown military styled boots and headed off to the bathroom connected to my room.

Locking the door shut behind me, I then turned the handle for the shower. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I could see the dark circles surround my eyes from barely enough sleep. Sighing, I plopped the clothes I used as pajamas last night into a small pile and stepped into the steaming shower.

The water droplets slammed against my skin, for sure making it go red from the burning hot of the water. I didn't make a move to the handle though, instead I let the water burn my skin a droplet at a time.

Closing my eyes, my mind wandered off to the feeling a had and pondered on it. Questions rained like the water from from the shower head, making it impossible to relax even the slightest bit.

After finishing up my hair and body wash, I changed into the clothes I grabbed earlier and stared at the messed up nest of sticks that I called my hair.

I thought against air drying or blow drying, which was difficult, but I went to the conclusion of blow drying my wet hair.

Reaching below into a cabinet under the sink, I grabbed the blow dryer and plugged it in. Letting the air swish around my hair as the hot blow of air made my eyes squint.

I've never liked blow dryers, or blow drying my hair, because of the feeling of the hot air against my face just didn't feel the greatest to me.

Five to ten minutes later I pressed the 'off' button on the dryer and unplugged it then placed it back in the cabinet where it belonged.

Back it looking at the mess of a hair I have, I brushed the blonde curls and decided on pinning back a strand of hair in the front that hung next to my eye with a single bobby pin.

Taking one last look in the mirror at myself, I unlocked the bathroom door and stepped back into my room while slipping on the boots I had out.

Hopping on one foot, I made my way to my bed then sat down and slid on the rest of my boot. I removed my eyes from my boots to my bedside table.

Sliding on my bed to the table, I then reached into a small cabinet below the top part of it and slid my hand into it without another thought.

Feeling around, I grabbed one dagger, only to change my mind a second later and then reached in for three more. All because of the feeling of something bad happening creeped up on me.

At least I would be prepared, right?

I slide the door shut and made my way out of the room. Before I left the room completely, I grabbed my wireless earpiece and touch screen phone.

The door slammed shut behind me as I entered the quiet hallways. I stood in the hall completely still as I thought of the forgotten list of what I was going to do today. Then a single ought scurried past and I could feel heat rise to my cheeks.

Fury, right.

As I made my way to the Controlling Room, I couldn't help but narrow my eyes in front of me and make my footfalls louder than normal.

What can I say? I have every right to be angry, okay beyond angry, like in the cartoons where they have the person have red steam pouring out of their ears and their head about to blow.

That's how I felt.

I mean, after being isolated from my original time period, I had nothing other than the technology and changes of the future, or also present time planet Earth. After all, I have every right to be angry at him.

I reached the room and scanned the agent filled room for the one and only Fury. It took me a second to find the one-eyed, black trench coat obsessed idiot of a man, but I managed. Before I scrambled off to him in rage, I stored some of the anger and made an attempt on staying calm, which I successfully mastered.

He stood on the right, with his back turned to me while talking to an agent nearby. I walked over to Fury, watching the male agent he was talking glance at me and swallow.

Fury stopped and looked at the agent with a weird look, that is until he followed the man's gaze and spotted me. Although, I was already standing right behind him, or now in front of him.

Fury opened his mouth, only to clamp it shut not even a second later. "Well?" He didn't say a thing, finding it apparently much better to not answer than to answer. "You sure as heck have a d*mn lot to explain."

I waited patiently for him to explain, instead watching him let out a breath through his nose and turn to the agent he was talking to before.

"Just make sure she's in and contained, we don't want any problems with both. We don't know if they could be...'friends'." I frowned as the agent nodded and walked off, wondering what the heck Fury was talking about, but I shook it off for a question for later as he turned to me and opened his mouth.

Instead of sound coming from Nick, a sound boomed from around us. I turned my head to look at the direction of the sound, my eyes widening as I spotted the source of the sound out the clear glass of the Helicarrier.

My jaw dropped as I stared out, not reacting to the situation that neared. Agents scream bled around us while some panicked and dashed out of the room.

Nowhere would be safe for what was in front of us, it could be all around us for all we know.....


Huge cliffhanger! At least I updated for the second time in a while...

What do you guys think? Oh and the reads, votes and comments are sky high! Ah! I am super excited about it all! I smile every time I see more reads, another vote, and/or a comment for me to read!

So, I have one spoiler for the rest of the book, or chapter, or character.....okay, so there will be a new character and I will have a book up for HER soon, but first I want to put her in this book then I will work her into her own book.

Who's excited about this new character? She is different and as Fury commented, it makes her sound pretty dangerous, doesn't it?

But, you all will have to wait till the next update! Cause I'm just that evil! :)

Anyways, I am super happy on the way this book turned(is turning out) so far! Thanks so much for everything, guys! Until the next chapter(or to those who comment) we shall meet again where secrets, characters and much more shall be revealed! It makes you want the next chapter, doesn't it?

Thanks! :)

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