Just Hanging Out With You

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Malrae pov 

 "Hmm what do i do today" I silently thought to myself.Yesterday Alex had her first date with Joey and the day before i had mine, before you ask no me and Niall are not a couple, we are sticken to friends. I really like Niall as a friend.




N; Hey got any plans today? XX

M;Nope just a lazy day,you?XX

N;Great, you should come hang with the boys and I, only if you want to. I dont know how you can resist this boy. ;) 

M;Ya how i can i not resist you lol. And ya of course do I wear anything special, what are we gonna do?XX

N;Nope where casual stuff we are just gonna hang out at home play games and wath movies.X

M;K be there in 45 minutes whose house are we gonna be at?Xo 

N;Lou's house nut I'll pick you up.Xx 

M;K bye in 45 mins remeber.xx 

N:K bye.XX 


Malraes pov 

I got into the shower and did my shower routine. Afterwards i blow dryed my hair that was fading back into its natural brunette state and put it into a messy fishtail and went to my wardrobe. I choose to wear my normal lazy day outfit that concists of a miscle tee and sweats with my converse, and of corse I added a snapback. I had decided on no makeup today. Niall was at my door already so I wasnt able to put my contacts in.

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