🎄Christmas Day~Slight!Pervert!Steven Stone x Shy!Reader (SLIGHT LIME🍋)

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Cold and freezing wind, thick blanket, preparing fireplace, shoveling snow, hot beverages, that's of course without doubt, Winter. Your least favorite season. You almost hate everything about winter, except for 2 things. One, you can cuddle with that one special person to warm yourself up and two, Christmas.

Actually you used to hate Christmas too because it always remind you of your parents. They died right on a day before Christmas when they were on the way to go home after they bought you a present for tomorrow's Christmas.

You felt so depressed back then. You were only 7 when your parents died. You don't know what to do until your aunt asked you if you want to live with her, which you gladly accepted.

She has a son named Wallace, a very kind, caring, and slightly overprotective brother to you. He's really fun to play with, but that's not the reason on why you don't hate Christmas anymore. Well it is, but there's something more than it.

It's because Christmas is the day where you and Steven is officially going out. It's the day where he asked you to be yours. The day where he will take a day off from Devon to fully spend his time lazying and cuddling with you. And the day where he first time kissed you, roughly. (I'M JUST KIDDING OKAY XD)

Your cheek suddenly become as pink as your favorite flowers, which is cherry blossoms, everytime you remember Steven kissing you.

You're not the type of girl who will kiss your lover first or asking to go on a date with you. You're too shy to even talk about something that's related to relationship.

At first you want to turned him down. Because you don't really know how to act as a girlfriend.

'What if I messed up and did something wrong that will make him hate me forever?' Is what you thought back then.

But Steven, the nicest person you've ever met, told you that you'll be fine as long as you truly love each other.

You then accept his confession and now you're going to enjoy your lunch together in your (favorite/cafe) near your house in Mosdeep.

Steven gently push the door and go to the side,

"After you (Y/N)" He smile, letting you go first.

"U-umm, uhh, yea, t-thanks" You stutter, walking inside the cafe. Even to this day, you still get embrassed easily at his soft and gentle demeanor.

After you walk in, he follow you and close the door behind him.

You're looking at the table where both of you usually sit on to see if it's empty or not, when suddenly Steven wrap his arms around your waist from behind.

"The usual place right...?" He said, whispering those words down through your ears, making you flinch.

"Y-yea..." You blushed at his action then walk to (favorite/table/number).

A cute maid then walk to your table as soon as you two just sit, giving the cafe's menu.

"Take your time and just ring the bell as usual if you're ready to order" She smile at you and left.

You open the menu, wanting to order something new that you never eat before but in the end the picture of (favorite/lunch) changed your mind, you decided to order the lunch like usual.

"What are you going to order (Y/N)?" He asked, closing the menu.

"I'm going to order (favorite/lunch) and (favorite/cold/beverage). H-how about you Steven?" You asked back, shyly.

"You always order (favorite/cold/beverage) even on winter huh? You should drink something hot to warm yourself up (Y/N)..." He chuckled lightly.

"No! I don't like hot beverage! It taste weird... a-and you didn't answer my question yet!" You pouted, trying to talk about something else.

Steven Stone x Reader (Winter Version❄) (Slight Lime🍋) OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now